
Submissions from 2006

Self-regulated learning of low performing college students in plane trigonometry, Daisy C. de Borja and Auxencia A. Limjap

The typological characteristics of the grammatical/sematic structures of the Bikol language: An exploratory study, Eden Regala Flores

A comparison of attitudes toward reading of students in a Montessori school and students in a traditional school, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Interactional resources as metadiscourse strategies in Philippine print advertising: An exploratory study, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Genre analysis of legal provisions in Philippine real estate industry, Paulina M. Gocheco

Interface between language and disciplinary culture, Paulina M. Gocheco

A research paper on the detrimental effects of lack of nationalism among Filipinos to the national development of the Philippines, Michael Go

[Theology] = God-talk: Renewing language about God in the Roman Catholic tradition, by Andrew Gonzalez, Macario Diosdado Arnedo Gonzalez FSC

Call centers: Implications for Philippine education, Robert S. Keitel

Supplementing lectures on recursive C programming with an interactive learning environment, Nathalie Rose T. Lim

Assessing the effect of project-based learning on college students' learning outcomes, Carlo P. Magno, Jennifer Ann L. Lajom, Joshel Regodon, and Katrine Bunagan

Thermal concepts of Filipino students, Moses King Mendoza, Arnel Bandiola, Arnel Jon-Jon F. Tipay, Gemma Pacamalan, Shirlynna B. Vicente, and Lydia S. Roleda

Piloting a peer literacy program: Implications for teacher education, Remedios Z. Miciano

The quality of student-generated questions: Implications for teaching English and critical literacy, Remedios Z. Miciano

A grounded theory on the concept of Lasallian youth at risk, Hans Steven Moran

A grounded theory on the Lasallian concept of youth at risk, Hans Steven Moran

Principal's leadership and interpersonal behaviors and teachers' classroom interpersonal behaviors in secondary schools, Michaela P. Muñoz

Enhancing physics teacher competence through online training: An exploratory study in the Philippines, Antriman V. Orleans

Towards an enhanced performance of the Athletic Association of Private Schools’ high school basketball players, Ma. Luisa Dizon Poquiz

The challenges of ESL speech and oral communication, Mildred A. Rojo-Laurilla

A survey on development and use of the Panukat ng ugali at pagkatao (PUP), Laramie R. Tolentino

Submissions from 2005

Individualized educational plan: A case report, Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga

Stress and coping styles of special education teachers, Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga

Investigating implicit trait theories across cultures, A. Timothy Church, Marcia S. Katigbak, Fernando A. Ortiz, Alicia M. Del Prado, José De Jesús Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibáñez-Reyes, Jose Alberto S. Reyes, Rogelia Pe-Pua, and Helena F. Cabrera

English proficiency, Linette de Guzman

An examination of the early discourse of Filipino preschool children's directed speech, Rochelle Irene S. Garcia

A profile of BECAUSE: as a causal conjunction used in the Philippines and Great Britain, Paulina M. Gocheco

Implementing Nigeria's language education policy: The gap between theory and practice, Charles C. Mann

Exploring the self: Thoughts, feelings and actions, Niño Jose C. Mateo

Aggression among Filipino adolescents: Development and evaluation of a gender-sensitive intervention program, Lucille A. Montes

Educational leadership: Its challenging role in effective management of higher education institutions, Michaela P. Muñoz

A stylistic analysis of sounds and patterns of the chosen love poems by Jose Garcia Villa and Jose M. Lansang, Jr., Jose Cristina M. Pariña

The four anaphoric repairs of the neo-Grecian pragmatic approach in the distant conversation register of ICE-Philippines, Jose Cristina M. Pariña

University virtual learning environment (UVLe) and intellectual behaviors of teachers and students, Ferdinand B. Pitagan

A case study on the evaluation of the guidance and counseling programs in a private sectarian school for boys, Lei Mitchen M. Sta. Maria, Hildegard Y. De Jesus, Christopher Andres T. Lim, and John Addy S. Garcia

Participation in an aquatic exercise class twice a week for 12 weeks improved physical fitness of good walking, walking self-efficacy on winter roads, mental health and QOL in elderly women, Yasushi Takumi

Global pollution monitoring of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), furans (PCDFs) and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (coplanar PCBs) using skipjack tuna as bioindicator, Daisuke Ueno, Mafumi Watanabe, Annamalai Subramanian, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Gilberto Fillmann, Paul K.S. Lam, Gene J. Zheng, Muswerry Muchtar, Hamidah Razak, and Maricar Prudente

Submissions from 2004

Writing in the discipline: A college English 2 workbook, Paula K. Alinsangan, Melicent Jalova Arig, Luvizminda C. de la Cruz, Aster L. Dejeto, Faith O. Miguel, Nancy Fe M. Puno, and Ma. Theresa S. Villabona

Critical thinking and collaboration: Reflections from students’ experience in a college communication course in the Philippines, Aileen C. Bautista and Jonna Marie A. Lim

Researching English in the Philippines: Bibliographical resources, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista

The verb in Philippine English: A preliminary analysis of modal would, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista

An overview of the Philippine component of the International Corpus of English (ICE-PHI), Maria Lourdes S. Bautista

Guest editor’s introduction, Maria Lourdes S. Bautista

Teaching readiness of student teachers among TEI's in Angeles City, Filipinas L. Bognot, Yolanda C. Valencia, Alita G. Agapay, and Richard Albert G. Daenos

Philippine English: Tensions and transitions, Kingsley Bolton and Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista

A quality assessment of three graduate programs: teacher education, business education and public administration, Roberto T. Borromeo

A quality assessment of three graduate programs: teacher education, business education and public administration: Evaluation of Graduate Education in the Philippines (EGEP), Roberto T. Borromeo

Metacognitive strategies and comprehension, Maria B. Cequeña

Negotiating evaluation in newspaper editorials in Philippine English, Danilo T. Dayag

The English-language media in the Philippines, Danilo T. Dayag

The social dimensions of Philippine English, Andrew B. Gonzalez

Distribution of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) in riverine and coastal environments in South and Southeast Asia, Kei O. Isobe, Mohamad P. Zakaria, Nguyen H. Chiem, Le Y. Minh, Maricar S. Prudente, Ruchaya Boonyatumanond, Mahua Saha, Santosh Sarkar, and Hideshige Takada

Behavioral orientations and peer-contact patterns of relationally aggressive girls, Miyoshi Isobe, Moisés Kirk De Carvalho Filho, and Kenichi Maeda

Dioxins and related compounds in human breast milk collected around open dumping sites in Asian developing countries: Bovine milk as a potential source, Tatsuya Kunisue, Mafumi Watanabe, H. Iwata, Annamalai Subramanian, I. Monirith, T. B. Minh, R. Baburajendran, Touch S. Tana, P. H. Viet, Maricar Prudente, and Shinsuke Tanabe

A brief syntactic typology of Philippine languages, Hsiu-chuan Liao and Lawrence A. Reid

Groundworks of integration: An analysis of De La Salle University Health Sciences Campus College of Physical Therapy curriculum, Ma. Cecilia D. Licuan

This business of kidnapping: Making sense of kidnapping within a business transaction perspective, Niño Jose C. Mateo

The pronoun use of housemaids to exhibit degree of respect when interacting with their superiors and the people related to their superiors, Jose Cristina M. Pariña

Pre-service biology teachers' knowledge structures of photosynthesis, Jocelyn D. Partosa and Auxencia A. Limjap

Pre-licensure issues and concerns of Filipino public school guidance counselors, Laramie R. Tolentino

Global pollution monitoring of butyltin compounds using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator, Daisuke Ueno, S. Inoue, S. Takahashi, K. Ikeda, H. Tanaka, A. N. Subramanian, G. Fillmann, Paul K.S. Lam, J. Zheng, M. Muchtar, Maricar S. Prudente, K. Chung, and S. Tanabe

Global Pollution Monitoring of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Using Skipjack Tuna as a Bioindicator, Daisuke Ueno, Natsuko Kajiwara, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Annamalai Subramanian, Gilberto Fillmann, Paul K.S. Lam, Gene J. Zheng, Muswerry Muchitar, Hamidah Razak, Maricar Prudente, Kyu Hyuck Chung, and Shinsuke Tanabe

Submissions from 2003

Ang konsepto ng tampo sa konteksto ng magkakapatid at magbabarkada, Hazel L. Bautista, Joanne L. Igoy, and Laramie R. Tolentino

Exploratory investigation of the beliefs and practices of elementary mathematics teachers of high and low performing schools in Metro Manila, Rosemarievic Villena Diaz and Auxencia A. Limjap

Situation-based curriculum design (SiBCD): Implications to counselor education program, John Addy S. Garcia

Adolescent males referred for psychotherapy: Examining emotional instability in light of parental identification, Washington C. Garcia

Spontaneous attention to word content versus emotional tone: Differences among three cultures, Keiko Ishii, Jose Alberto Reyes, and Shinobu Kitayama

Power talk: Seven speeches of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Corazon C. Jibrin

Accumulation features of persistent organochlorines in resident and migratory birds from Asia, Tatsuya Kunisue, Mafumi Watanabe, Annamalai Subramanian, Alagappan Sethuraman, Alexei M. Titenko, Vo Qui, Maricar Prudente, and Shinsuke Tanabe

Clinical supervision and the skillful teacher, Ma. Cecilia D. Licuan

Assessing objectivity in freshmen argumentative essays, Rochelle Irene G. Lucas

Effective student assessment strategies at the tertiary level, Carlo P. Magno

Open dumping site in Asian developing countries: A potential source of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, Nguyen Hung Minh, Tu Binh Minh, Mafumi Watanabe, Tatsuya Kunisue, In Monirith, Shinsuke Tanabe, Shinichi Sakai, Annamalai Subramanian, Karuppian Sasikumar, Pham Hung Viet, Bui Cach Tuyen, Touch S. Tana, and Maricar S. Prudente

Adjunct content-based instruction: student attitude and achievement in science and English, Alen Mateo S. Muñoz

How well am I doing? Using a corpus-based analysis to investigate tutor and institutional messages in comment sheets, Mick Randall and Josephine F. Mirador

The effect of identity consistency on likeability, Laramie R. Tolentino, Hazel L. Bautista, Anton Bocaling, and Joanne L. Igoy

Self-disclosure and marital satisfaction among Filipino couples, Maria Jennifer B. Tordecilla

Global pollution monitoring of PCBs and organochlorine pesticides using skipjack tuna as a bioindicator, Daisuke Ueno, S. Takahashi, H. Tanaka, A. N. Subramanian, G. Fillmann, Haruhiko Nakata, Paul K.S. Lam, J. Zheng, M. Muchtar, Maricar Prudente, K. H. Chung, and S. Tanabe

Submissions from 2002

Family ties and peso signs: Challenges for career counseling in the Philippines, Rose Marie Salazar Clemeña

Treatment for dually diagnosed individuals, Maria Regina de Gracia

A sociolinguistic study on children's use of address system in social play, Sydney D. Gonzales

A contrastive analysis of American English and Philippine English news leads, Leah E. Gustilo

Regular tilings in a plane, Minie Rose C. Lapinid

Attitudes towards Anglo-Nigerian pidgin in urban, southern Nigeria: The generational variable, Charles C. Mann

The validation of the multiple intelligence rating scale in a pre-school classroom, Joyce Ferro Orillosa

Chiang Kai Shek College focus intervention program: A five year progress approach, Glendora V. Tiu

Literary classics revived in the digital age, Glendora V. Tiu

Midterm evaluation of the institutional university co-operation with the Saint Louis University-Benguet State University Network, the Philippines, Rudi Vaes and Roberto T. Borromeo

Submissions from 2001

Attitudes of English language faculty in three leading Philippine universities toward Philippine English, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista

Asymmetric activation of number codes in bilinguals: Further evidence for the encoding complex model of number processing, Allan Benedict I. Bernardo

Principle explanation and strategic schema abstraction in problem solving, Allan Benedict I. Bernardo

Physical education programs in public and private higher educational institutions at the National Capital Region: A comparison, Jonathan P. Catapang

A framework for analysis of suicide related conditions, Susana A. Estanislao

The merger of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers into the United Steelworkers of America, Robert S. Keitel

Introduction, Marilyn Mays, George Ekol, Auxencia A. Limjap, and Yoshitaka Sato

A critical review of Ocampo, O (ed) (2000) Literacy in multiple contexts, Remedios Z. Miciano

Developing cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) of ESL learners via science-based texts, Alen Mateo S. Muñoz

Aggressive behavior of preschool children in selected progressive preschools in Quezon City: A developmental perspective, Angelita Rosario O. Sievert

Submissions from 2000

A descriptive analysis of the bilingual-bicultural approach in teaching English as a foreign language to students with hearing impairment, Corazon V. Balarbar and Edwina Sacramento Carreon

A correlational study of students' academic achievements and teachers' effectiveness and personality traits, Lilia Dino Bautista