Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education Faculty Works | Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education | De La Salle University


Submissions from 2025

Finding new fit and sense of purpose, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Real growth comes from the frontiers, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Submissions from 2024

Program title: Appreciating oneself through creative self-expression, Anna Christina S. Aqui

Making "international friends': A descriptive study of the WASEDA-CCDL chatting experience between ESL and EFL learners, Maria Eda Carreon, Carmina D. Misolas, and Neslie Carol C. Tan

Modules for English plus, Adelda A. Cunanan, Hazel Jean M. Abejuela, Elle Christine D. Melendez, Rizza D. Ramos, Amor M. Clarido, Ann Sheila C. Del Rosario, Salome L. Escalona, June Pamela Kee, and Krissi Shaffina Twyla A. Rubin

Polysemic functionality of prepositions in pidgins & creoles: The case of 'FO' in Anglo-Nigerian pidgin, Charles C. Mann

The socio-linguistics of writing: An investigative report, Charles C. Mann

Traditional notions on pidgins and creoles: A review and a contemporary view, Charles C. Mann

An encounter with UST's Varsitarian, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Are our institutions inclusive enough, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Br. Timothy Radcliffe on Dominican preaching, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Critical academic leadership vacuum, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Deeply rooted, unshakably engaged, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

First thing first, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

From 'known-knowns' to 'known-unknowns' mindset: A pathway to research culture and productivity, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Got autonomous status, now what?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Graduation season: A season to get real, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Institutional training misinvestment, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Much ado about knowledge management, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Selling the intangibles, Jesus Jay Miranda

Smart institutions, smart leadership, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Sustaining sustainability, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

The changing face of work, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

The essentials make a winner, Jesus Jay Miranda

The grit to wear many hats, Jesus Jay Miranda

What internationalization of education is not, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Women power leadership, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

You cannot manage what you cannot measure, Jesus Jay Miranda

Preferences in selecting a subject coordinator as perceived by the Angelicum College facilitators: A grounded theory research, Jesus M. Miranda Jr.

Politeness in chatting: A descriptive study of politeness in chat conversations from the Waseda-CCDL project, Carmina D. Misolas

Problem-solving mechanism in DLSU students' speeches, Carmina D. Misolas

Instructional design and teachers and learners factors affecting active and meaningful participation in online discussion, Ferdinand B. Pitagan

Submissions from 2023

A paradigm for EST [ESP] materials preparation, Corazon V. Balarbar and Edwina Sacramento Carreon

A preliminary linguistic and discourse analysis of psychology theses in Filipino: implications for thesis mentoring and language teaching, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista

A study of cosubordination construction in Filipino, Aquiles P. Bazar III

A knowledge set-based taxonomy of decision problems and decision strategies, Allan Benedict I. Bernardo and Ma. Cecilia Gastardo Conaco

A proposed planning process for the GSEAS, Roberto T. Borromeo

10 ways to tell if you chose the right school for your child, Ma. Carolina G. De Ocampo

A module in grammar for english teachers (ENX622M), Shirley N. Dita

Preparation and validation of prototype lessons in writing using a constructivist learning device (CLD), Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio

Conceptual understanding of forces among public high school physics teachers, Gay Marie A. Frando, Villamor Q. Gloria, Laila T. Taguinod, and Lydia S. Roleda

A picture of me: an overview of portfolio assessment in a Montessori school in the Philippines, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

A course module in education technology 1 : Theories and principles in educational technology, Nenita V. Habulan

AI in education's emerging paradigm, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

AI's pervading issues in Catholic education, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Catholic education imperatives, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

DepEd report 2023, a dé·jà vu!, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

'Diakonia veritatis,' in memory of Benedict 16th, educator, pope, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Digital intelligence: Why we need it, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Educational leadership and management immutables, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Education system with a built-in learning loss, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

From AI to IA, what is at stake?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

From VUCA to BANI, Jesus Jay Miranda

Is gig economy the new economy?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Learner centeredness, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Making a strategy strategic, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

No winner in 'no permit, no exam' prohibition act, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Psychological safety, a non-'legislatable' safety, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Purpose: Core of highly motivated team, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

The city and the university: A symbiotic relationship, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

The crisis of experts in research journal publications, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Whereto, graduates?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP

Towards developing a framework of leadership in public basic education in the Philippines, Abdul Jhariel M. Osman

The extent and magnitude of policies on peace and development issues in the selected barangays of Pagadian City, CY 1994-98, Jerome A. Ouano

Irreversibility lines for REBa2Cu3O7-8 crystals, Lydia S. Roleda

Irreversibility lines for YBa2Cu3O7-8 single crystals with and without twins, Lydia S. Roleda

Student's conceptual frameworks in mechanics, Lydia S. Roleda

Students' thinking frameworks in force and motion, Lydia S. Roleda

Understanding the context of lack of interest among out-of-school youth: The experiences of public secondary schools in Manila and Calamba, Laguna, Maria Caridad H. Tarroja, Abdul Jhariel M. Osman, and Klafizze Y. Valdoria

Languages of global hip hop, edited by Marina Terkourafi, Paolo Nino M. Valdez

Teaching english as an international language: Identity, resistance and negotiation, by P. L. Ha, Paolo Nino M. Valdez

A module in foundations of language studies (ENG535M), Sydney Gonzales Villegas

A module in speech and stage arts, Sydney Gonzales Villegas

Submissions from 2022

Enhancing reading comprehension of second language learners: Techniques for remedial reading instruction, Encarnita D. Balayon

English medium of instruction in Philippine higher education institutions: MOI policy development in oligarchy, Allan Benedict I. Bernardo and Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

The role of language-switching (LS) in second language (L2) composing among bilingual learners with English proficiency (HEP), Bernadeth C. Cabico

Speak English? You're hired!, Bernadeth Cabico and Clifford Sorita

Lesson plan, Maria B. Cequeña

Metacognitive strategies: Its impact on comprehension, Maria B. Cequeña

How positive experiences in online portfolio through blogging can facilitate improvement in writing skills and lower writing anxiety, Maria B. Cequeña and Leah E. Gustilo

Critical discourse analysis on theosophical writings, Jennifer Tan De Ramos

Effect of teaching strategies on the annotated bibliography writing, Jennifer Tan De Ramos

Teacher effectiveness in academic research writing: An exploratory factor analysis, Jennifer Tan De Ramos

The context of blessing in the inner circle and outer circle writings, Jennifer Tan De Ramos

Evaluation of Bachelor in Physical Education major in Sports and Management Program in higher education institutions in the National Capital region (NCR) using engagement theory program quality (ETPQ), Heildenberg C. Dimarucot

Languaging and ethnifying in cyberspace: The Philippine experience, Jerico Juan Esteron

Languaging and negotiating identity in cyberspace: The case of the Ilocano native speakers in Pangasinan, Jerico Juan Esteron

Angry adolescents: What happened? What has been done?, Alicia F. Estrellado

Treatment strategies for sexually abused children and women: A review, Alicia F. Estrellado

Politeness in face-to-face interaction: An exploratory study, Eden Regala Flores

Effects of academic coaching on the writing skills of grade 7 students, Gene Marie L. Flores and Romylyn A. Metila

Code-mixing, code-switching, and language-borrowing in Philippine television advertisements: An exploratory study, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Complimentary behavior among selected students of De La Salle University-Manila, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Cross-cultural variation in professional genres: A comparative study of want ads in Philippine English and Qatari newspapers, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Metacognition in ESL reading: Strategies used by selected freshmen in comprehending a narrative and an expository text, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Metacognitive strategies used by selected DLSU freshmen in comprehending a narrative and expository text: An exploratory study, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Metadiscourse in want ads: Interactional resources in Philippine English newspapers, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

Metadiscourse markers in want ads: Interactional resources in Philippine English newspapers, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan


Social influences on successful learning in a L2: A proposed model from consensual qualitative research, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan

The imagery of Angela Manalang-Gloria: A stylistic analysis, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan