Submissions from 2019
Going the distance: A lesson study on deriving the distance formula, Von Christopher Gulpric Chua
Going global: Do consumer preferences, attitudes, and barriers to using e-mental health services differ across countries?, Bonnie A. Clough, Mostafa Zarean, Ilse Ruane, Niño Jose Mateo, Turana A. Aliyeva, and Leanne M. Casey
Investigating students' attitude and achievement in organic chemistry using interactive application, Karina L. Damo and Maricar S. Prudente
Asynchronous discussion forum: Fostering reflection among preservice math teachers, Josephine Luz S. De Leon and Maricar S. Prudente
Examining the Morphological Processing of Inflected and Derived words by Students in Grades 7, 8, and 9, Jennibelle R. Ella, Marvin C. Casalan, and Rochelle Irene G. Lucas
The phrasal-prepositional verbs in Philippine English: A corpus-based analysis, Jennibelle R. Ella and Shirley N. Dita
Elucidation of essential maps for 4Cs and informationmedia literacy, Denis Dyvee R. Errabo, Maricel B. Berdan, and Maricar S. Prudente
Four-factor analysis of L2 writers’ emotional experiences in the various stages of research writing in English, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio, Jerome A. Ouano, and Edna S. Miraflores
To stay in or leave an abusive relationship: Losses and gains experienced by battered Filipino women, Alicia F. Estrellado and Jennifer M. I. Loh
Self-reported summarizing and paraphrasing difficulties in L2 writing contexts: Some pedagogical interventions, Eden Regala Flores and Michelle Lopez
Filipino adolescents’ thoughts on career interests, Angela Luisa Abaya Garcia and Karina A. Crisostomo
Critical pedagogy and multimodality in the Philippines: Engaging learners in a post-truth era, Leif Andrew B. Garinto and Paolo Niño M. Valdez
Intrusions of Masbate lexicon in local bilingual tabloid, Cecilia F. Genuino and Romualdo A. Mabuan
The intelligibility and acceptability of Internet Philippine English (IPE): Their implications to English language teaching in the new English varieties, Leah Gustilo, Abdul Wahid Tocalo, and King Arman Calingasan
Syntactic description of a language with unique patterns of symmetrical voice alternations, Gray Holton and Sharon Joy Bulalang Estioca
Comparing the differences of using mobile devices for learning between Filipino schools and Chinese schools in the Philippines, Wan Jin, Socorro E. Aguja, and Maricar S. Prudente
Blended learning approach to teaching oral communication: Video blogging in ESL classroom, Dylyn A. Junio and Argel A. Bandala
Characterization and effect of enhanced flipped classroom implementation, Dylyn A. Junio and Argel A. Bandala
Innovating academic writing through flipped classroom instruction, Dylyn A. Junio and Argel A. Bandala
Occurrence of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers (BUVSs) in human breast milk from three Asian countries, Joon Woo Kim, Kwang Hyeon Chang, Maricar Prudente, Pham Hung Viet, Shin Takahashi, Shinsuke Tanabe, Tatsuya Kunisue, and Tomohiko Isobe
Do counselors lie?: An inquiry on dishonest behaviors among Filipino counselors, Estesa Xaris Q. Legaspi and Jose Alberto S. Reyes
Flipped classroom enhances student's metacognitive awareness, Jaypee M. Limueco and Maricar S. Prudente
Filipino domestic workers and their capacity development, Jennifer M. I. Loh and Alicia F. Estrellado
Comparing learning strategies in understanding process integration, optimization and sustainability, Rochelle Irene G. Lucas, Kathleen B. Aviso, Michael Angelo B. Promentilla, Lidija Čuček, Adeniyi J. Isafiade, Jui Yuan Lee, and Raymond Girard R. Tan
Gender differences, mathematics anxiety, and first-year college students’ mathematical achievement, Ellenita G. Manalaysay
Teaching against the meme: Politics, argumentation and engagement in an ESL classroom in the Philippines, Jocelyn Amor S. Navera, Leif Andrew B. Garinto, and Paolo Nino Valdez
Symmetrical voice in Western Subanon, William O’Grady and Sharon Joy Bulalang Estioca
Effectiveness of Kahoot as a revision tool in studying waves, Jhoanne Catindig Orillo and Maricar S. Prudente
Perspectives on creativity and innovation levels among robotics elite team student members, Genevieve A. Pillar, Maricar S. Prudente, and Socorro E. Aguja
Features of Filipino infant directed speech (IDS) and maternal input, Richard M. Rillo, Jimmylen Z. Tonio, and Rochelle Irene G. Lucas
Contentment among religious individuals: An exploratory factor analysis, Lavina S. Rodrigues, Angela Luisa Abaya Garcia, and Jerome A. Ouaño
Compassion, forgiveness and subjective well-being among Filipino counseling professionals, Maryfe M. Roxas, Adonis P. David, and John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta
Principal leadership on student achievement in India, Bijumon Thomas and Abdul Jhariel M. Osman
Gamified physics instruction in a reformatory classroom context, Analyn N. Tolentino
Lexical features and motivations of product reviews on selected Philippine online shops, Jimmylen Z. Tonio, Ali G. Anudin, and Rochelle Irene G. Lucas
Acceptability of Philippine English grammatical and lexical items among pre-service teachers, Joel Mayo Torres and Ericson Olario Alieto
English learning motivation and self-efficacy of Filipino senior high school students, Joel Mayo Torres and Ericson Olario Alieto
Gendered and genderless constructions of religious identity in a charismatic community of practice, Ma. Vera Infante Tuplano, Leah Gustilo, and Cynthia Borromeo Correo
Language, politics and economics in an era of globalization, Paolo Nino Valdez and Gene Marie Flores
Submissions from 2018
Students' writing proficiency and level of anxiety toward academic English writing, Marites M. Abdon
Socio-economic status and attitudinal factors affecting students' willingness to communicate in the Philippine ESL setting, Danica L. Aguiflor and Manneth C. Nuñez
Language shift from English to mother tongue: Exploring language attitude and willingness to teach among pre-service teachers, Ericson Alieto
Internet shop users: Computer practices and its relationship to e-learning readiness, Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga
Attitude toward English among Vietnamese students in the Philippines, Annie Mae C. Berowa, Aprillette Devanadera, and Sheila Marie O. David
Understanding the broader horizon of sexual encounter: A case study on sexual engagement among Filipino teens, Dalmacito A. Cordero Jr.
Repetition brings success: Revealing knowledge of the passive voice, Kamil Ud Deen, Ivan Bondoc, Amber Camp, Sharon Joy Bulalang Estioca, Haerim Hwang, Gyu-Ho Shin, Maho Takahashi, Fred Zenker, and Jing Crystal Zhong
Motivational factors of the Philippine national games athletes, Heildenberg C. Dimarucot
Reading skills needs analysis: A prologue to program design and instructional materials development, Leonard David M. Espiritu
Gender representation in Filipino storybooks for children, Ma. Joahna Mante- Estacio, Fernand Kevin Dumalay, and Philip Rentillo
Pre-service ESL teachers' reflections on their feelings toward action research writing, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio and Gina B. Ugalingan
Effective teaching of the macro-skills: Reflections from Filipino teachers of English, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio, Paolo Niño Valdez, and Dennis Pulido
Two patterns of /a/ and /o/ alternation in Subanon, Sharon Joy Bulalang Estioca
Split infinitives across world Englishes: A corpus-based investigation, Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales and Shirley N. Dita
An analysis of move-strategy structure and functions of informality in Philippine English undergraduate theses: Implications for teaching academic writing, Leah Gustilo, Ma. Pamela Capacete, Alvin C. Alonzo, Arnel Camba, and Jere Emmanuel Navarete
Hope and academic achievement among young Filipino college indigent students, Rochelle Irene G. Lucas and Jerome A. Ouano
Developing inclusive practices in higher education, Dennis M. Magbanua FSC
Conyo 2.0: A description of an emerging sub-variety of conyo English, Jocelyn Amor S. Navera
Effectiveness of spiral approach in physics education, Jhoanne Catindig Orillo and Joseph Scheiter
Change of “tongue” from English to a local language: A correlation of mother tongue proficiency and mathematics achievement, Anna Louisa Perez and Ericson Alieto
Uncovering preservice teachers’ perceptions and preparedness on working with students of poverty, Maricar S. Prudente, Aireen Barrios Arnuco, Anne Marie R. Ramos, and Voltaire M. Mistades
A reflective journey towards becoming effective early chidlhood teachers, Anne Marie R. Ramos, Teresa Yasa, and Roberto T. Borromeo
Indirectness markers in Korean and Persian English Essays: Implications for teaching writing to EFL learners, Richard M. Rillo and Ericson O. Alieto
Case study on language anxiety of Korean student-teachers in the Philippines, Gina B. Ugalingan and Aileen C. Bautista
What is Reflective Teaching? Lessons Learned from ELT Teachers from the Philippines, Paolo Nino Valdez, Jocelyn Amor S. Navera, and Jerico Juan Esteron
The effect of stigma on attitudes toward seeking school counseling help among Chinese high school students, Pan Ze and Aime T. Guarino
Submissions from 2017
Case studies on the enhanced school improvement plan (E-SIP) process: Implementation of the E-SIP: Phase 2 technical report, Johanna Marie Astrid Acielo, Angelina G. Golamco, Donn David Ramos, and Juan Miguel Luz
Solving physics problems by playing with equations, Jovito C. Anito, Maricar S. Prudente, Auxencia A. Limjap, Socorro E. Aguja, and Pamela S. Rubi
Optimizing history of mathematics: A lesson study, Samuel Joshua D. Baroja, Claribelle Pia Arceo, Darlferhen Dancel, Angelyn Taberna Natividad, Jessica Obrial, Paul Jorel Santos, Katherine Theresse Tungul, and Levi Esteban Elipane
Communicative aspects of multilingual code switching in computer-mediated communication, Pilar Caparas and Leah Gustilo
A community-based sexual ethics for teens: Addressing premarital sex using a sociotheological approach, Dalmacito A. Cordero Jr.
How to combat the negative impact of discrimination in a collectivist context? The safeguarding function of peer-oriented hope, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu and Nino Jose Mateo
Work-related flow dimensions differentially predict anxiety, life satisfaction, and work longevity among Filipino counselors, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu and Nino Jose Mateo
Why power decreases happiness in a collectivist context? A qualitative study, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu and Jose Alberto S. Reyes
The phenomenology of institutionalizing change, Jonathan S. Dela Pena, Maricar S. Prudente, and Socorro E. Aguja
Development of assessment tools for swimming activities, Jhomel E. Del Rosario
Lexical patterns in the early 21st century Philippine English writing, Nimfa G. Dimaculangan and Leah E. Gustilo
Introducing lesson study as a professional development model in the islands of the Philippines, Levi Esteban Elipane
Teachers’ experiences in engaging in lesson study, Gerald Ferrer and Minie Rose C. Lapinid
Linguistic landscapes as resources in ELT: The case of a rural community in the Philippines, Richard I. Floralde and Paolo Nino M. Valdez
Exploring the factor structure of career decision-making efficacy among Filipino students, Angela Luisa Abaya Garcia and Christine Joy A. Ballada
Interdependent happiness and subjective well-being of middle-aged working Filipino women, Aime T. Guarino, Camille Hautea, Hannah Marie Mayo, and Paula Siggaoat
Digitalk: An analysis of linguistic features and their functions in Filipino computer-mediated communication, Leah E. Gustilo and Chenee M. Dino
Old speak or young speak: An analysis of netspeak features in Filipino netspeak, Leah E. Gustilo and Chenee M. Dino
For the Nth time, does educational technology really make a difference? - A large-scale investigation of the effects of educational TV on academic achievement, Minie Rose C. Lapinid, Leah E. Gustilo, Carlo P. Magno, Jessie S. Barrot, Mari Karen L. Gabinete, and Jovito C. Anito Jr.
For the Nth time, does educational technology really make a difference?—A large-scale investigation of the effects of educational TV on academic achievement, Minie Rose C. Lapinid, Leah Gustilo, Carlo P. Magno, Jessie S. Barrot, Mari Karen L. Gabinete, and Jovito C. Anito
Cross-Situational Self-Consistency in Nine Cultures: The Importance of Separating Influences of Social Norms and Distinctive Dispositions, Kenneth D. Locke, A. Timothy Church, Khairul A. Mastor, Guy J. Curtis, Pamela Sadler, Kelly McDonald, José De Jesus Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibáñez-Reyes, Hiroaki Morio, Jose Alberto S. Reyes, Helena F. Cabrera, Rina Mazuera Arias, Brigida Carolina Rincon, Neida Coromoto Albornoz Arias, Arturo Muñoz, and Fernando A. Ortiz
An AHP-based evaluation method for teacher training workshop on information and communication technology, Rochelle Irene Lucas, Michael Angelo Promentilla, Aristotle T. Ubando, Raymond Girard R. Tan, Kathleen B. Aviso, and Krista Danielle Yu
Growing up to be an outstanding Filipino scientist: Implications for supporting gifted learners, Thelma Rabago Mingoa
Level and quality of knowledge using confidence-weighted NRET scoring method in multiple choice test, Ma. Rosanna Cisneros- Pahayahay and Gemar Pahayahay
Efficacy of NRET scoring method in paper-and-pen multiple choice test, Ma. Rosanna Cisneros Pahayahay and Gemar Pahayahay
Initializing responsibility: A grounded theory of becoming a school administrator, Glenford M. Prospero, Teresa P. Yasa, and Roland Nino L. Agoncillo
Students’ understanding of genetics through blended learning activities, Jacklyn C. Santiago, Socorro E. Aguja, and Maricar S. Prudente
Student perceptions of online homework in mathematics of accounting and finance, Celina P. Sarmiento
The use of GeoGebra applets: Students’ attitudes and achievement in learning quadratic functions, equations and inequalities, John Nico A. Urgena and Minie Rose C. Lapinid
Exploring ICT tools in English language learning: Language, technology, and the globalized classroom, Paolo Niño M. Valdez, Neslie Carol C. Tan, and Lindsey Ng Tan
“It's more fun in the Philippines”: Resemiotizing and commodifying the local in tourism discourse, Paolo Nino M. Valdez, Ruanni Tupas, and Neslie Carol Tan
Exploring ICT tools in English language learning: Language, technology, and the globalized classroom, Paulo Nino M. Valdez, Neslie Carol Tan Tolentino, and Lindsey Ng Tan
The contingencies of Chinese diasporic identities in Charlson Ong’s speculative fiction, Joseph Ching Velasco
Submissions from 2016
Investigating mathematics anxiety and performance of grade 8 students in the province of Isabela, Clemente M. Aguinaldo Jr.
Reducing the occurrence of challenging behavior through the Good behavior game, Carmela Therese L. Arcena, Denise Jillian O. Go, Rochelle Jamilla C. Pambuna, and Maria Corazon C. Colendrino