Submissions from 2013
Introducing lesson study in a remote island in the Philippines: testing the waters, Levi Esteban Elipane, Marvin Casalan, Marmon Pagunsan, and Shaolin Ladra
Bilingual readers’ metacognitive strategies as predictors of reading comprehension, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio
Assessment focus on essay of university students: The case between language- and non-language based courses in two private universities, Mari Karen L. Gabinete
Assessment focus on essay of university students: The case between language- and non-language based courses in two private universities, Mari Karen L. Gabinete
Code-switching in television-mediated political campaign ads in the Philippines, Paulina M. Gocheco
Assessment of family functioning among perpetrators of physical abuse, Aime T. Guarino and Glenda Mae V. Santos
An analysis of writer’s performance, resources, and idea generation processes: the case of Filipino engineering students, Leah E. Gustilo
Organophosphorus flame retardants in house dust from the Philippines: Occurrence and assessment of human exposure, Joon Woo Kim, Tomohiko Isobe, Agus Sudaryanto, Govindan Malarvannan, Kwang Hyeon Chang, Mamoru Muto, Maricar S. Prudente, and Shinsuke Tanabe
To study or not to study? Investigating the link between time perspectives and motivational interference, Ronnel B. King and Marianne Jennifer Gaerlan
Factors influencing college students' attitude towards counseling, Estesa Xaris Q. Legaspi and Norma A. Baluca
A classroom-based action research on error correction in the narratives of grade 7 students of St Scholastica's College, Manila, Jonna Marie A. Lim
Standards of teacher competence on student assessment in the Philippines, Carlo P. Magno
Accumulation of brominated flame retardants and polychlorinated biphenyls in human breast milk and scalp hair from the Philippines: Levels, distribution and profiles, Govindan Malarvannan, Tomohiko Isobe, Adrian Covaci, Maricar S. Prudente, and Shinsuke Tanabe
A study on the language learning strategies used by female students, Alice Mae A. Mamhot
Determinants of the sense of efficacy of physical education teachers in higher education institutions in National Capital Region, Janet S. Mariano
High school students’ use of digital technology as a predictor of measures of academic progress, Dylan D. Marshall
Relations between present-hedonistic and future time perspective, achievement goal-orientation and regulatory strategy use in technology-rich learning environments, Dylan D. Marshall
The use of western standardized psychological tests in non-western contexts, Dylan D. Marshall
Age related differences in language usage and reading between English monolinguals and bilinguals, Dylan Marshall and Hamid Gomari
The language of love: A micro-macro analysis of code switching in English in selected Filipino romance novels, Jocelyn Amor S. Navera
Parental involvement in children's assessment in kindergarten, Joyce Ferro Orillosa and Carlo P. Magno
A day for remembering lost loved ones, Maria Alicia Bustos Orosa
A qualitative analysis of the decoding error patterns among Filipino beginning readers transitioning to the Marungko approach, Maria Alicia Bustos Orosa and Maria Fe Ferrer
A measure of the experience of being bullied: An initial validation in Philippine schools, Jerome A. Ouano, Elmer L. De La Rosa, Gail D. Conway, and Nerissa R. Buot
The significance of language exposure with writing self-efficacy and writing apprehension of Filipino ESL writers, Jose Cristina M. Pariña
Estatlishing the potential of local tubang bakod (Jatropha curcas) as source of "green fuel" (Preparation and characterization of local tubang bakod seed oil methyl ester), Adora S. Pili, Maria Cerelina A. Santacruz, and Aldren B. Narzoles
Interaction effects and cognitive engagements of collaborative groups in online asynchronous discussions, Ferdinand B. Pitagan
Documenting systemic school reform from vision to standards and assessment: The case of DLSU, Sterling M. Plata
Editorial: Language testing in the Philippines, Sterling M. Plata
Submissions from 2012
The mediating effect of relatedness on Facebook use and self-esteem, Nadine Angeli C. Abellera, Jerome A. Ouano, Gail D. Conway, Liza Mae C. Camilotes, and Hannah Mae L. Doctor
A computer-assisted instruction module on enhancing numeracy skills of preschoolers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga
Technology acceptance of Philippine early childhood teachers, Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga
Action research on the effectiveness of a stress management program for nursing students, Vanessa Laura S. Arcilla and Gertrudes B. Ronquillo
The acquisition of case marking by L1 Chabacano and L1 Cebuano learners of L2 Filipino: Influence of actancy structure on transfer, Aireen Lozano Barrios and Allan Benedict I. Bernardo
The written discourse of interviewing style for a magazine interview, Jessie S. Barrot
Tribute to Br. Andrew-- Memorial mass for deceased fellows, February 29, 2012, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista
A comparison of the reading strategies used by good readers in print and hypertext environments: Implications and recommendations for the improvement of reading instructions, Eduardo A. Bolaños
Talang pambayan ng pananampalataya ng mga Lipenyo sa Ina ng Laging Saklolo, Jennifer M. Casabuena
Cultural differences in implicit theories and self-perceptions of traitedness: Replication and extension with alternative measurement formats and cultural dimensions, A. Timothy Church, Stephanie L. Willmore, Adisa T. Anderson, Masayuki Ochiai, Noriko Porter, Niño Jose Mateo, Jose Alberto S. Reyes, José De Jesus Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibanez Reyes, Juan M. Alvarez, Marcia S. Katigbak, and Fernando A. Ortiz
Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the workplace, Maria Corazon C. Colendrino
Investigating happiness through psychoanalytic social lens: Perspectives from Filipino adolescents, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu and Niño Jose C. Mateo
Personality and motivation vis-à-vis athletic performance of elite female collegiate athletes, Heildenberg C. Dimarucot
Code-switching patterns, practices and functions in the tertiary technical laboratory classroom discourse, Chenee M. Dino
A self assessment of inclusion competencies of regular public school teachers in Metro Manila, Joel M. Durban and Marie Grace Gomez
Explicating change in pre-service mathematics teachers education using the elements of lesson study, Levi Esteban Elipane
Infrastructures within the student teaching practicum that nurture elements of lesson study, Levi Esteban Elipane
Dimensions of reading motivation among Filipino bilinguals, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio
Is Chabacano dying?, Cecilia F. Genuino
The effectiveness of the enrichment program among Brokenshire College first year student nurses of SY 2005-2006, Aime T. Guarino, Glenda Mae D. Villarico, and Glenn Mitchell O. Laud
Contamination of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in house dust from the Philippines: Implications on human exposure, Joon Woo Kim, Tomohiko Isobe, Govindan Malarvannan, Agus Sudaryanto, Kwang Hyeon Chang, Maricar S. Prudente, and Shinsuke Tanabe
Are three languages better than two? Inhibitory control in trilinguals and bilinguals in the Philippines, Arnel R. Madrazo and Allan Benedict I. Bernardo
Determinants of the sense of efficacy of physical education teachers in higher education institutions in National Capital Region, Janet S. Mariano
High school students’ use of digital technology as a predictor of measures of academic progress, Dylan D. Marshall
Conceptualizing happiness using choice theory, Niño Jose C. Mateo and Jesus Alfonso D. Datu
Autonomy in the development and practice of the Filipino counselor, Niño Jose C. Mateo and Maria Guadalupe C. Salanga
Autonomy in the development and practice of the Filipino counselor, Niño Jose C. Mateo and Maria Guadalupe C. Salanga
Blended learning approaches to teaching and learning in a research writing class in a private university, Kimberley M. Migallos and Allan Rey S. Villaverde
Utilizing a learner-centered approach in an assessment course for language education students, Alen Mateo S. Muñoz
Asia-Pacific mussel watch for emerging pollutants: Distribution of synthetic musks and benzotriazole UV stabilizers in Asian and US coastal waters, Haruhiko Nakata, Ryu Ichi Shinohara, Yusuke Nakazawa, Tomohiko Isobe, Agus Sudaryanto, Annamalai Subramanian, Shinsuke Tanabe, Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria, Gene J. Zheng, Paul K.S. Lam, Eun Young Kim, Byung Yoon Min, Sung Ug We, Pham Hung Viet, Touch S. Tana, Maricar Prudente, Donnell Frank, Gunnar Lauenstein, and Kurunthachalam Kannan
Student feedback on teacher feedback: Self-reported feedback reception of undergraduate students, Jocelyn Amor S. Navera
Home experiences that foster readiness for learning early mathematical concepts: An exploratory study, Joyce Ferro Orillosa
Social goals of Filipino adolescents: Do they contribute to student life satisfaction?, Jerome A. Ouano and Jasmine Nadja Pinugu
Dimensions of incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition and their effects on reading comprehension of ESL learners, Karina Dungo Pena and Allan Benedict I. Bernardo
Using theater techniques in Philippine classrooms, Dennis H. Pulido and Anne Richie G. Balgos
Determinants of sports performance of athletes in selected colleges and universities in the NCR, Almario L. Quesada
A framework in studying the informal settlers of the Philippines, Aldwin R. Sanchez
Matching digital tombstone documentation to unearthed census data: Surveying Taiwan's family names, ethnicities and homelands, Oliver Streiter, Yoann Goudin, Chun Huang, and Ann Meifang Lin
Enhanced classroom opportunities through a focus approach: English language teaching and learning, Glendora V. Tiu
Actualizing critical English language teaching: A classroom experience in the Philippines, Paolo Nino Valdez
Conversation analysis and second language teaching: A guide for ESL/EFL teachers [by] Jean Wong and Hansun Zhang Waring, Paolo Niño M. Valdez
Discursive approaches to politeness, edited by Linguistic Politeness Research Group, Paolo Niño M. Valdez
English as a local language: Post-colonial identities and multilingual practices [by] Christina Higgins, Paolo Niño M. Valdez
The Talim bay sea scouts program: A case documentation on a best practice in community engagement of the College of Science, De La Salle University, Maria Luisa Claravall Velasco
Submissions from 2011
Attitudes toward physical education and activity preferences of college students of De La Salle University, Manila, Thelma B. Anteola
Extent of parental involvement in the education of children with down syndrome, Thelma B. Anteola
Look who's talking: Turn-taking patterns from a gender perspective, Anne Richie G. Balgos
Non-native English students learning in English: Reviewing and reflecting on the research, Allan Benedict I. Bernardo and Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan
Specific comprehension strategies good L2 readers use when they process texts in linear and nonlinear environments, Eduardo A. Bolaños
What research says about reading in hypertext environment: Implications for comprehension instruction, Eduardo A. Bolaños
Higher education counseling: Keeping pace with rapidly changing learning environments, Rose Marie Salazar Clemeña
Theater-in-education, Ernestina M. De Guzman
Another look at Cebuano pronominals, Jennifer Tan De Ramos
Critical discourse analysis on the online Indian-English newsletters, Jennifer Tan De Ramos
Teacher effectiveness in academic research writing: An exploratory factor analysis, Jennifer Tan De Ramos
Teacher effectiveness in academic research writing: An exploratory factor analysis, Jennifer Tan De Ramos
Incorporating lesson study in pre-service mathematics teacher education, Levi Esteban Elipane
Speech and thought representation in Si Duglit, ang dugong makulit: A story that indigenizes universal scientific principles for children, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio
An exploratory study of the phonological features of basilectal Philippine English: A case of some Cebuano speakers, Eden Regala Flores
Bias in Philippine news reporting: Real or imagined?, Eden Regala Flores
Sentence structure and implied meaning in the inaugural speeches of the Macapagal presidents: Two worlds apart, Mari Karen L. Gabinete
A requiem for Cementerio Balicbalic, Sampaloc, Manila (1884-1925), Martin R. Gaerlan
An analysis of the lexico-grammatical features of legal provisions in the Philippine real estate industry, Paulina M. Gocheco
An analysis of verb groups in legal discourse: Implications for teaching English for specific purposes, Paulina M. Gocheco
Evaluating the role of discourse markers and other enabling factors in academic listening comprehension, Paulina M. Gocheco
The use of personal pronoun in political campaign advertisements in the Philippines, Paulina M. Gocheco
Assessing students' meaningful learning through a paper and pen test, Minie Rose C. Lapinid
An analysis of the mathematical thinking of selected Filipino pupils, Auxencia A. Limjap
Factors involved in the use of language learning strategies and oral proficiency among Taiwanese students in Taiwan and in the Philippines, Carlo Magno, Moisés Kirk De Carvalho Filho, and Jennifer Ann L. Lajom
Behavior management tips for inclusive education teachers: Advice from SPED practitioners in public & private schools in Metro Manila, Thelma Rabago Mingoa
Negotiating "third spaces": EAP apprenticeship, academic writing, and Chinese students, Josephine F. Mirador