"Determinants of the sense of efficacy of physical education teachers i" by Janet S. Mariano

Determinants of the sense of efficacy of physical education teachers in higher education institutions in National Capital Region


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Physical Education

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The main purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of physical education teachers' sense of efficacy by a set of variables including age, gender, educational attainment, teaching experience, support from colleagues, support from department head, support from administration and performance satisfaction. The researcher utilized the descriptive method using the Sense of Efficacy adapted from TSES Scale Questionnaire by Hoy and the researcher-made questionnaire for teachers' demographic profile and sources of teacher efficacy. The questionnaires were distributed to 50 selected higher education institutions in 1e National Capital Region during the School Year 2011-2012, using the simple , random sampling technique. There were 372 PE teacher respondents.

The percentage was computed for the profile of the teacher respondents in terms of age, gender, years of teaching experience, and educational attainment. In testing the hypotheses, the chi-square was used. Multiple linear regression was
used to examine the determinants of physical education teachers' sense of efficacy.

The following are the significant findings of the study:

1. Profile
The biggest number of teachers of physical education in terms of age belongs to 31-35 years old. Majority belongs to male group. Most have master's degree and a teaching experience of 26 years and above.

2. Teachers' Rating on the Sources of Efficacy
2.1 Verbal Persuasion
2.1.1. Support from colleagues
The males are more satisfied in their colleagues' support than their female counterparts. All groups based on educational attainment and years of teaching experience agree in different level that they are satisfied with support from colleagues.
2.1.2 Support from Department Head
All groups agree on the department head's support in varying degrees.
2.1.3 Support from School Administration
PE teachers by age group show the 56-60 agreeing more than the other groups although not strongly with support from school administration. The male group show higher values in most items. The doctorate and doctorate with units groups are consistent high scorers. It must be noted that not one of the groups registers a strong agreement on the administration support items.

2·2 Performance Satisfaction
The most satisfied age group in terms of performance is the 56-60 age group. The male group indicating they are more satisfied in their performance.

3. Teachers Efficacy of the Respondents
3.1 Student Engagement
Age groups 56-60 indicate the respondents can do a great deal in student engagement. Females have high student engagement efficacy. The bachelor degree holders and the 11-13 years teaching experience group show a great deal of efficacy in student engagement.

3.2 Instructional Strategies
The respondents indicate a strong efficacy in using instructional strategies to help students. The male group registering a higher weighted mean. Doctoral with units show a great deal on instructional strategies.

3.3 Classroom Management
The respondents can efficaciously manage classrooms. The male group showing lesser values in most items. The doctoral with units groups and 8-10 years of teaching experience group consistently registered high weighted means.

4. Significant Determinants of Teachers' Sense of Efficacy
The significant determinants of teacher's sense of efficacy are. years of teaching experience, verbal persuasion in terms of support from department head , verb.al persuasion in terms of support from colleagues , verbal persuasion in terms of support from school administration and performance satisfaction.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: The teachers of physical education belongs to 31-35, male group, have a master's degree, and with teaching experience of 26 years and above. The highest educational attainment groups and all the experience groups are in strong agreement for colleagues support. The over-all grand weighted mean for all groups on department head support items is 4.25, indicating a simple agreement and thus, also satisfaction. Over-all grand weighted mean for all groups for the various school administration support items is 4 .17, which indicates a not strong agreement and hence a not strong satisfaction by the respondents.
The most satisfied age group in terms of performance is the age 56-60 . The male group, doctorate groups and 11-13 years of teaching experience show strong satisfaction.
Age group 56-60, female, doctorate, doctoral with units, and bachelor degree, and 11-13 years of teaching experience indicate the respondents can do "a great deal" of efficacy in student engagement. The respondents indicates a strong efficacy in using instructional strategies to help students. Male group, doctoral with units and 8-10 years of teaching experience can do "a great deal" on instructional strategies. All groups indicate the respondents ca n efficaciously manage classrooms. Male group show lesser values in most items. The doctoral with units groups and 8-10 years of teaching experience consistently register high weighted mean.
Years of teaching experience, verbal persuasion in terms of support from department head , verbal persuasion in terms of support from colleagues , verbal persuasion in terms of support from school administration and performance satisfaction are significant determinant of , teachers' sense of efficacy.

Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are offered:

1. Performance satisfaction was positively associated with the degree of educational attainment; thus, PE teachers should be encouraged to pursue graduate studies for their professional growth, which will lead to their strong sense of efficacy. School administrators may design a memorandum of agreement or may give scholarships and grants to assist their faculty members acquire their appropriate graduate degrees.

2. The department head who has. the direct supervisory functions should exert effort to cultivate the sense of efficacy of PE teachers like providing encouraging and timely feedback, ensuring a supportive working environment, and giving reasonable and aligned teaching assignments.

3. There is a need for school administrators to enrich their support for PE teachers so that the faculty members can develop their sense of efficacy. PE teachers should believe in themselves by developing their abilities to influence students' learning. School administrations should give more respect, attention and importance to teachers' dignity and self-esteem. They should boost the image of the PE teachers so that the teachers can develop their personal competence and effectiveness.

4. Further studies or research on the following concerns should be conducted:
4. 1 Replication of the study using other statistical tools, respondents, regions, and school types.
4.2 Efficacy of coaches in a variety of sports.
4.3 Other determinants of efficacy.



Health and Physical Education


Teacher effectiveness; Physical education teachers—Rating of

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