Submissions from 2022
A discourse analysis of Philippine English headlines and news leads, Bernardita O. Gonzalo
Language preferences of De La Salle freshmen in multi-lingual settings, Bernardita O. Gonzalo
Nonce regular and irregular verbs in contextualized and decontextualized tests: A comparison of ESL and EFL learners, Bernardo O. Gonzalo
Influences and processes of counseling orientation development: Its implication to future practice, Aime T. Guarino
Assessment of family functioning among perpetrators of physical abuse, Aime T. Guarino and Glenda Mae V. Santos
The effectiveness of the enrichment program among Brokenshire College first year student nurses of SY 2005-2006, Aime T. Guarino, Glenda Mae D. Villarico, and Glenn Mitchell O. Laud
"Although if is more frequent than whether...": An analysis of the uses of adverbial clauses in Philippine English research articles, Leah E. Gustilo
Sentence-level errors in ESL writers’ diagnostic essays: What students have achieved and what we can do, Leah E. Gustilo
The use of adverbial clauses in Philippine English research articles, Leah E. Gustilo
Aquinas in our time, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Contextual intelligence, do you have it?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
'Education' and 'peace' in a business summit, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Elections, politics 101, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
'Genchi genbutsu', Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Going blended mode? Some points to consider, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Hybrid work is real work, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Liberal arts in the new industrial revolution?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Philippine basketball and 'skilled incompetence', Jesus Jay Miranda OP
'Quiet quitters,' are they here to stay?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Rethinking the ways of Catholic universities, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
The lethargy of lectures, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
The prestige and demand of being a Catholic school, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
University rankings still a gamble, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Wanted: Education innovators, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Client personality traits and preference for effective counselor characteristics: An inquiry into the perceptions of Filipino college students, Aileen Grace Ong, Ivan Jacob Pesigan, and Estesa Xaris Q. Legaspi
Pre-service teachers’ reflection on their efficacy beliefs in conducting action research, Gina B. Ugalingan, Aileen C. Bautista, and Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio
The pedagogy of multiliteracy and multimodality through memes, Gina B. Ugalingan, Gene Marie L. Flores, Leif Andrew B. Garinto, and Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio
Contextualizing English language teacher education for young learners in the Philippines: Challenges in the practice teaching for pre-service teachers' practicum, Paolo Niño Valdez, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio, Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan, and Ariane Macalinga Borlongan
Speaking, learning and sharing: Insights from difficulties encountered among Filipino college students, Paolo Nino M. Valdez and Bernardita O. Gonzalo
The discursive construction of new citizen Identities in Singapore, Raymund Victor M. Vitorio
Submissions from 2021
Design, development and implementation of contextualized learning materials in grade 7 mathematics, Clemente M. Aguinaldo Jr. and Alicia Domingo
Challenges encountered by physical education teachers in online learning, Jerrwin C. Aguinaldo
The discourse of print advertising in the Philippines: Generic structures and linguistic features, Danilo T. Dayag
The case of Meredith, Candice Chelsea F. De Castro
Constructivist learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Investigating students’ perceptions of biology self-learning modules, Aaron A. Funa and Frederick Torralballa Talaue
Pluralist publics in market driven education: Towards more democracy in educational reform by Ruth Boyask ..., Rowland Anthony S. Imperial
COVID-19 and its impact on adult education and learning: A scoping research in the UK, Afghanistan and the Philippines, Gina Lontoc, Arceli Amarles, Katrina Ninfa Topacio, Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio, Rosalie Quilicol, and Marie Grace Reoperez
Caring, not conforming, is what schools need now, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Irreplaceable talents in institutions, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Let education leaders lead, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Necessary risks in education, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Quality of education can never be an independent enterprise, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Rethinking standardization in the university, Jesus Jay Miranda
Soft skills deliver tangible resutls, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
The golden year of the indigenous Dominican Province, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Why Catholic university education matters, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
The role of input in language revitalization: The case of lexical development, William O’Grady, Raina Heaton, Sharon Joy Bulalang Estioca, and Jeanette King
Model of integrating service learning in the teaching of disaster readiness and risk reduction (DRRR): Focus on physics, Jhoanne Catindig Orillo
Influence of work-life balance of preschool teachers to their self-efficacy through student engagement in synchronous online classes, Grace Regis, Hannah Repotente, and Kristine U. Hernandez
L1 and L2 syntactic ambiguity resolution of relative clauses, Philip Adrianne A. Rentillo
An integrative approach to scientific argumentation: Pedagogy and technology tenets of IASA, Lay Hoon Seah, Azilawati Jamaludin, and Frederick Torralballa Talaue
Reader-text connection: Reporting the engagement of high school students with culturally relevant texts, Dannah Neriah L. Tan and Ma. Joahna Mante Estacio
Linguistic and cultural features of Philippine COVID-19 infographics, Gina B. Ugalingan
Writing anxiety in the midst of the pandemic, Gina B. Ugalingan
Pre-service teachers online practicum during the pandemic, Gina B. Ugalingan, Dianne B. Edjan, and Paolo Niño M. Valdez
Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries, Janis H. Zickfeld, Niels van de Ven, Olivia Pich, Thomas W. Schubert, Jana B. Berkessel, Jose J. Pizarro, Braj Bhushan, Niño Jose C. Mateo, Sergio Barbosa, Leah Sharman, Gyöngyi Kökönyei, Elke Schrover, Igor Kardum, John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta, Ljiljana B. Lazarevic, María Josefina Escobar, Marie Stadel, Patrícia Arriaga, Arta Dodaj, Rebecca Shankland, Nadyanna M. Majeed, Yansong Li, Eleimonitria Lekkou, Andree Hartanto, Asil A. Özdoğru, Leigh Ann Vaughn, Maria del Carmen Espinoza, Amparo Caballero, Anouk Kolen, Julie Karsten, Harry Manley, Nao Maeura, Mustafa Eskisu, Yaniv Shani, Phakkanun Chittham, Diogo Ferreira, Jozef Bavolar, Irina Konova, Wataru Sato, Coby Morvinski, Pilar Carrera, Sergio Villar, Agustin Ibanez, Shlomo Hareli, Adolfo M. Garcia, Inbal Kremer, Friedrich M. Götz, Andreas Schwerdtfeger, Catalina Estrada Mejia, Masataka Nakayama, Wee Qin Ng, Kristina Sesar, Charles T. Orjiakor, Kitty Dumont, Tara Bulut Allred, Asmir Gracanin, Peter J. Rentfrow, Victoria Schonefeld, Zahir Vally, Krystian Barzykowski, Henna-Riikka Peltola, Anna Tcherkassof, Shamsul Haque, Magdalena Smieja, Terri Tan Su-May, Hans IJzerman, Argiro Vatakis, Chew Wei Ong, Eunsoo Choi, Sebastian L. Schorch, Darío Paez, Sadia Malik, Pavol Kacmar, Magdalena Bobowik, Paul Jose, Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Nekane Basabe, Uğur Doğan, Tobias Ebert, Yukiko Uchida, Michelle Xue Zheng, Philip Mefoh, Rene Sebena, Franziska A. Stanke, Christine Joy A. Ballada, Agata Blaut, Yang Wu, Judith K. Daniels, Natalia Kocsel, Elif Gizem Demirag Burak, Nina F. Balt, Eric Vanman, Suzanne L.K. Stewart, Bruno Verschuere, Pilleriin Sikka, Jordane Boudesseul, Diogo Martins, Ravit Nussinson, Kenichi Ito, Sari Mentser, Tugba Seda Çolak, Gonzalo Martinez Zelaya, and Ad Vingerhoets
Submissions from 2020
Investigating secondary mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, TPACK and challenges towards technology integration, Clemente M. Aguinaldo, Jr. and Minie Rose C. Lapinid
Goal orientation and burnout among national pool of obstacle course racing: An analysis, Jerrwin C. Aguinaldo, Anthony Cabreros, Christopher Olarte, and Darwin Ryan Oña
Filipino English teachers overseas: A case study of the Filipino English teachers’ language ideology, Aileen C. Bautista
Measurement and antecedents of national resilience in Filipino adults during coronavirus crisis, Carmelo Callueng, John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta, Benedict G. Antazo, and Alelie Briones Diato
Organizational commitment in relation to work values of physical education instructors in private higher educational institutions, Jonathan P. Catapang, Janet S. Mariano, and Ma. Socorro Gigi V. Cordova
Flourishing is associated with achievement goal orientations and academic delay of gratification in a collectivist context, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Charlie E. Labarda, and Maria Guadalupe C. Salanga
Educational equity through engagement in the Bachelor of physical education major in Sports and wellness management program in the National Capital Region, Heildenberg C. Dimarucot and Ma. Junithesmer D. Rosales
SAyaw LIKha ng SIning at kultura (SALIKSIK): Status of folk dance documentation in the Philippines, John Paul R. Domingo
A grammar of western Subanon, Sharon Joy Bulalang Estioca
Developing 21st century skills: An action research on the use of digital platform in language learning, Gene Marie L. Flores and Gina Ugalingan
Formal features of Filipino ESL research papers, Miguel Lorenzo B. Garcia
Cognition toward the mother tongue, attitude toward English, Chavacano, and Filipino: A structural equation modeling approach with bootstrap analysis, Byron B. Go Silk, Ramon S. Medriano, Sonny Boy C. Dela Cruz, Jerry James C. Deran, Ericson O. Alieto, Marites M. Abdon, Richard M. Rillo, and Irene Rochelle G. Lucas
Depressive and anxiety symptoms among pediatric in-patients with dengue fever: A case-control study, Von Ralph Dane M. Herbuela, Ferdinand S. de Guzman, Girly D. Sobrepeña, Andrew Benedict F. Claudio, Angelica Cecilia V. Tomas, Carmina M. Arriola Delos Reyes, Rachele A. Regalado, Mariama M. Teodoro, and Kozo Watanabe
Impact of blended learning instruction in academic performance of grade 10 students in a selected private high school in San Juan City, Philippines, A. I. Hipol, R. Cabahug, and R. Bongon
Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Tomasz Besta, Jennifer K. Bosson, Paweł Jurek, Joesph A. Vandello, Deborah L. Best, Anna Wlodarczyk, Saba Safdar, Magdalena Zawisza, Magdalena Żadkowska, Jurand Sobiecki, Collins Badu Agyemang, Gülçin Akbaş, Soline Ammirati, Joel Anderson, Gulnaz Anjum, John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta, Mujeeba Ashraf, Aistė Bakaitytė, Chongzeng Bi, Maja Becker, Michael Bender, Dashamir Bërxulli, Janine Bosak, Serena Daalmans, Justine Dandy, Soledad de Lemus, Nikolay Dvorianchikov, Edgardo Etchezahar, and Laura Froehlich
Culture Moderates the Normative and Distinctive Impact of Parents and Similarity on Young Adults’ Partner Preferences, Kenneth D. Locke, Daniela Barni, Hiroaki Morio, Geoff MacDonald, Khairul A. Mastor, José de Jesús Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibáñez-Reyes, Jose Alberto S. Reyes, Shanmukh Kamble, and Fernando A. Ortiz
Young adults' partner preferences and parents' in-law preferences across generations, genders, and nations, Kenneth D. Locke, Khairul A. Mastor, Geoff MacDonald, Daniela Barni, Hiroaki Morio, Jose Alberto S. Reyes, José De Jesus Vargas-Flores, Joselina Ibáñez-Reyes, Shanmukh Kamble, and Fernando A. Ortiz
The role of social status in the realization of refusal speech act: A cross-cultural study, Rochelle Irene G. Lucas
Preparedness of [K-12] teachers for the implementation of the senior high curriculum in a selected Philippine private school, K. M. Migallos, R. G. Cabahug, and A. I. Hipol
Remembering Fr. Sonny of the Order of Preachers, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Will campuses become relics?, Jesus Jay Miranda OP
Counselors perceptions and competencies in handling LGB clients, Remedios C. Moog, Nguyen Hang, and Estesa Xaris Que Legaspi
Integrating physics in disaster risk reduction (DRRR) through YouTube videos, Jhoanne Catindig Orillo, Maricar S. Prudente, and Mark Joseph F. Orillo
Exploring the psychology of resilience: A narrative inquiry among parents of children with autism, Dominic T. Paguio
Religiosity’s influence on self-regulation and subjective well-being of Filipino Muslim and Catholic college students, Shan Shan Pan, Estesa Xaris Q. Legaspi, and Norma A. Baluca
What does competence mean during the transition to language teaching? Insights from future-oriented identities of Filipino NLTs, Edward Jay M. Quinto, Eunbi Kwon, and Marianne Jennifer M. Gaerlan
Culinary linguistic landscapes of urban Western Visayas, Philip Adrianne A. Rentillo
Contemporary camareros: Santos sponsorship in the Philippines today, Jose Antonio Lorenzo L. Tamayo
Contemporary camareros: Santos sponsorship in the Philippines today, Jose Antonio Lorenzo L. Tamayo
Humor styles and perceptions of college students in Central Luzon, Joel M. Torres, Jose Cristina M. Pariña, Leila M. Collantes, and Richard K. Tan
Promoting advocacies in an ESL classroom in the Philippines: Insights from an action research project, Gina B. Ugalingan, Paolo Niño M. Valdez, and Gene Marie L. Flores
Research in critical pedagogy: Implications for English language classrooms in Asia, Paolo Nino M. Valdez
Using memes to teach critical inquiry in the ESL classroom, Paolo Nino M. Valdez, Jocelyn Amor S. Navera, and Leif Andrew B. Garinto
Language, affect, and carnivalesque: Tourism encounters and transgressive narratives on a party island, Raymund Victor M. Vitorio
Submissions from 2019
A morphosyntactic analysis of the pronominal system of Southern Alta, Marvin M. Abreu
American or British? A corpus-based analysis of Asian Englishes' orthographical norms, Abigail F. Antonio, Bernardita G. Bacang, Richard M. Rillo, Ericson O. Alieto, and Warrelen D.C. Caspillo
The experience of power in teacher–student relationships in collectivistic context, John Jamir Benzon R. Aruta, Ines Diana E. Barretto, Yeabin Shin, and Ahreum Jang
Perceived offensiveness of swear words across genders, Annie Mae C. Berowa, Jennibelle R. Ella, and Rochelle Irene G. Lucas
A linguistic landscape analysis of public signs after Typhoon Haiyan, Glenda Doroja- Cadiente and Paolo Nino Valdez
The effectiveness of utilizing peer feedback in technical writing classes at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela, Winma Jane Carvajal and Jennifer Tan De Ramos
Child abuse and compliance on Child protection policy in private and public basic educational institutions, Jeremay M. Cervancia, Kristine U. Hernandez, Maria Rosario Rodavia, and Erwin Roxas