"Speaking, learning and sharing: Insights from difficulties encountered" by Paolo Nino M. Valdez and Bernardita O. Gonzalo

Speaking, learning and sharing: Insights from difficulties encountered among Filipino college students


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Dept of English and Applied Linguistics

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript


One area that remains problematic among students is the ability to articulate difficulties in different tasks assigned to them in classes. In the case of oral comminication, students do not only need to address the demands of speaking tasks but will have to address issues on self-confidence such as anxiety. This paper reports initial findings from a case study done with Filipino students taking a speech and oral communication course in a university. The presentation initially provides different views of learning anxiety in the context speech and oral communication and proceeds with describing the settting of the present investigation. Using qualitative inquiry, specifically self reports, different themes are drawn from learner generated data. As will be presented, different views related to speaking difficulties can be traced to learner anxieties which may be related to subtle and even explicit problems in executing effective speech communication. Further, the presentation concludes with useful insights on self reported strategies from students to address their own problems in presenting speeches. Moreover, implications are forwarded on possible techniques in helping students address issues of self confidence and anxiety in performing speaking tasks effectively.



Language and Literacy Education


Communicative competence; Verbal ability; Oral communication

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