"Technology acceptance of Philippine early childhood teachers" by Jasper Vincent Q. Alontaga

Technology acceptance of Philippine early childhood teachers


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



In the 21st century, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are becoming more and more integrated in the school curriculum, even in early childhood education. Computers have proven to be beneficial for child development depending on the how they utilized by teachers. As such, teachers should embrace technology and develop the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes towards them. This study examined the technology acceptance of ninety-four (94) Philippine early childhood education teachers in terms of their competence, attitude and practice. It was found that the participant teachers have sufficient competence in using technologies, have positive attitude towards technology; and have used technology in their practice. These three components of technology acceptance correlate with each other. Analysis of variance reveals significant differences in the components based on various external variables, such as their training and hours on computer for personal use. It is suggested to provide training to further improve their technology skills and to help them facilitate student-centered use of technology, as well as provision of more technology options to early childhood students specifically internet access.



Educational Technology


Project Number: 23 F U 2 10


Early childhood education--Philippines; Early childhood teachers--Philippines

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