"Investigating mathematics anxiety and performance of grade 8 students " by Clemente M. Aguinaldo Jr.

Investigating mathematics anxiety and performance of grade 8 students in the province of Isabela


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Lumina Research Congress 2016

Publication Date



This study sought to investigate the causes of mathematics anxiety experienced by Grade 8 students in relation to their academic performance. The respondents were randomly selected from the different public and private junior high schools in the province of Isabela. To gather the needed data, personal data and grading sheets, a validated Mathematics Anxiety Scale (MAS) and observation guides were utilized. Results revealed that students are low to moderately anxious about mathematics especially on the areas of taking a test and listening to lectures in a mathematics class. Among the varied groups, boys, older ones, and public school students are more significantly anxious than their counterparts. Respondents with higher level of parents’ educational background registered lower anxieties. Moreover, the fairly satisfactory performance of the students has no significant connection to their mathematics anxiety. It is recommended that the MAS be used to diagnose students with high levels of anxiety to give teachers and parents a better understanding of their behavior and in what aspects do they need help.



Educational Psychology | Science and Mathematics Education


Math anxiety; Mathematics—Study and teaching—Philippines—Isabela—Psychological aspects

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