"Reducing the occurrence of challenging behavior through the Good behav" by Carmela Therese L. Arcena, Denise Jillian O. Go et al.

Reducing the occurrence of challenging behavior through the Good behavior game


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

International Congress on Action Research, Action Learning, ARAL 2016

Publication Date



Managing behaviors can be challenging even in preschool level. Addressing inattention and hyperactivity that can result in non-participation, talking-out-of-turn, and disruptive actions could lessen the time that teachers can devote to instruction and affect overall teaching and learning process.

Playing games is an effective and fun way of teaching young children discipline. Reinforcement in the form of tokens easily increase the occurrence of desired behavior; and decrease the occurrence of undesired behavior.

Some of the preschool students of Mary’s Road Center for Learning and Development presented such issues; and an action research was proposed and implemented for four weeks: Good Behavior Game, an adaptation of a game used to address disruptive behavior, was employed. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research designs utilized observation and rating charts. Triangulation, in the form of still picture analysis, video analysis and the use of inter-rater, checked for validity of results. Findings point to the beginning of positive changes in behavior on the last week of implementation; and further research can be implemented for a longer period of time.



Early Childhood Education | Education | Educational Psychology


Preschool children—Discipline; School discipline; Classroom management; Educational games; Reinforcement (Psychology); Behavior disorders in children

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