Groundworks of integration: An analysis of De La Salle University Health Sciences Campus College of Physical Therapy curriculum


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



This paper discuss important points about the current Integrated Curriculum of the College of Physical Therapy. Point-by-point, it looks crucial matters about the foundations of the integrated approach adapted by the college and thoroughly analyses different aspect of the development of the curriculum from its planning to its current implementation. Theoretical bases of development are also considered which justifies the rationale of the existing approach. The researcher attempted to answer vital points involved in the curriculum development system such as: (a) how is the curriculum documented? (b) what situations resulted in the development of the curriculum? (c) What perspectives does the curriculum present? (d) What situations resulted in the development of the curriculum? (e) what are the purposes and content of the curriculum? (f) what perspectives underlie the curriculum's approach to purpose or content? (g) how is the curriculum organized? (h) what assumptions underlie the curriculum's organization? (i) what perspectives underlie the curriculum's approach to purpose or content? (j) how is the curriculum implemented? The paper is concluded by answering if the purposes of the curriculum are being met.



Physical Therapy


"Research presented at the PPTA Congress 2004"


De La Salle University Health Sciences. College of Physical Therapy—Curricula; Physical therapy—Study and teaching—Philippines

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