"Adjunct content-based instruction: student attitude and achievement in" by Alen Mateo S. Muñoz

Adjunct content-based instruction: student attitude and achievement in science and English


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Dept of English and Applied Linguistics

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Asian Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning International Conference

Publication Date



This study aimed to find out the effectiveness of adjunct content-based language instruction in developing cognitive academic language proficiency (GALP) and facilitating academic or cognitive development in science. It also attempted to determine the academic language skills that students need to develop in a content-based language classroom and whether attitude of students and teachers toward content-based language teaching has an effect on second language proficiency and content mastery.

Four sections of first year high school students participated in this study, two of the four sections from a highly specialized science high school and the other two from science-based sections of a general public high school. Two sections (the experimental group) attended science-based language classes and the other two (the control group) attended the regular literature-based classes for one grading period.

Researcher-made and validated tests in Science and English were administered before and after the experiment in order to gauge and compare the linguistic and content gains of the science-based classes and the literature-based classes in each locale. An attitudinal questionnaire was adapted and administered at the end of the experiment in order to find out the attitude of the students and teachers toward the adjunct model.

Posttest results showed that the science-based groups in both schools differed significantly in gains in second language proficiency from the literature-based groups. The science-based group in the general public high school likewise registered higher Science posttest scores than those obtained by the literature-based class. However, there was no significant difference in the science posttest scores between two groups in the special science high school. The study also showed that positive attitude of the students toward the adjunct model had a beneficial effect on their general performance in English and Science.

The teachers' favorable view of the adjunct model also had a beneficial effect on their teaching competence that also led to students' achievement in the subjects. Recommendations for more studies including longitudinal researches along content-based language programs and academic language needs of Filipino students are deemed necessary if one is to gain invaluable insights and inputs to the design, implementation and suitability of more effective language programs and efficient, harmonious articulation between language experts and content specialists.



Language and Literacy Education


Abstract only


Second language acquisition; Learning ability—Testing

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