A grounded theory on the concept of Lasallian youth at risk


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



A classical grounded theory research, the study covered a theoretical sample of 80 participants consisting of La Salle Brothers, administrators, faculty and staff members, students, parents and alumni selected from six La Salle Schools throughout the Philippines. Interviews with the participants yielded over 1300 individual incidents that were compared and contrasted to form codes, conceptual categories, and subcategories. A theory on one's decision ma.Icing process in helping (service) others that incorporates one's desire (conviction) to help and one's rational-pragmatic deliberations, and a subsequent conceptual description of at risk groups emerged. The desire to help is based on one's rational-emotive beliefs (philosophical ideals and values that nurture helping and the knowledge of the nature of risk/problem) and relational-emotive ties (with the one who needs help and with a social group that nurtures helping). The desire to help undergoes a process of rational-pragmatic deliberations on the appropriateness of the recipient to be helped, the cost of helping, one's capability of helping, and the logistics of helping before the actual helping (service) behavior can occur. The theory has implications for a multiple pronged plan of action, on current theories of helping, and in the use of classical grounded theory research.



Social and Behavioral Sciences


Helping behavior; Youth

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