"Pre-licensure issues and concerns of Filipino public school guidance c" by Laramie R. Tolentino

Pre-licensure issues and concerns of Filipino public school guidance counselors


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

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Text Resource

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The need to professionalize counseling in the Philippines was addressed by the recently implemented Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004. In line with the implications of the enacted law (RA 9258), Sixty-seven (67) randomly chosen Metro Manila Public School Counselors were surveyed to determine the current status of their eligibility and perceived readiness to take the licensure examination. Results show that although most of them are eligible in terms of the basic requirements such as age, years of experience, and citizenship, most of the counselors still lack the basic academic training needed for registration. Moreover, correlational analysis indicated a negative relationship between the counselor's age and perceived readiness for the licensure examination (r = -0.268) as well as between the counselor's age and reported confidence for the licensure examination (r = -0.328). Reactions pertaining to examination preparations are fairly diverse among the respondents despite their awareness of the current enactment. This implies a need to clarify the purpose and significance of the current developments in the profession. More importantly, a need to also support public school counselors in the accomplishment of the graduate preparation needed for licensure.



Counseling | Counselor Education


Student counselors—Philippines; Student counselors—Philippines—Examinations

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