
Theses/Dissertations from 1978

A feasibility study on the commercial production and canning of mushroom in Baguio, Alfredo M. Casillan

Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines (A) and (B) the case of Miguel Castelo: Business cases in financial management, business policy and human behavior in organization, Marlou Efren O. Castillo

A proposed guidance program for Soochow University Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China, Anne Rouh-Ling Chen

Corporate strategy for the rehabilitation of a commercial bank, Marietta A. Cordoba

Parents' treatment of domestic helpers as perceived by parents and children and their implications to a growth program, Rosalina L. Cordova

Problems and prospects of the telephone industry, Edito A. Dacumos

A continuous assault: A case study, Lourdes Dalwatan

Socio-economic status and academic performance of the high school students of St. James Academy and St. Dominic Academy in Bulacan, Lourdes Dalwatan

Socio-economic status of the two Dominican schools of Bulacan and its implication to institutional planning, Lourdes Dalwatan

Corporate strategy planning for a credit card company in the Philippines, Celso L. Dayrit

Training and development program for Bank of America NT and SA, Manila branch, Vida Z. De Jesus

The feasibility of manufacturing chemicals for leather finishing in the Philippines as a sourcing supply for Southeast Asia, Ruben L. De Leon

A critique of the clearing operations of Philippine commercial banks, Raul C. Diaz

A proposed organizational set-up for three Catholic secondary schools of Dipolog and Dapitan Cities and Zamboanga Del Norte, Marcelo M. Digal

The bishop builds a bridge: A case study, Marcelo M. Digal

A five-year projection in enrolment, space utilization, and financing at the Saint Joseph's High School of Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte, Marcelo M. Digal

Case studies on Pacifica, Incorporated, F & G Laboratories, and the Monocomponent Company, Inc., Patricio C. Dionio

An evaluation of the intensive course program at the English department of the teachers training college of Widya Mandala Catholic University in Surabaya, Indonesia from 1975 until 1978, Veronica Listyani Diptoadi

Home problems of the 1977-78 college freshmen at De La Salle University, Manila, Clara C. Domingo

A comparative study of three high schools' organizational structures against a model in terms of delegation of functions, Eleuterio A. Dutosme

The sad outcome of demands: A case study, Eleuterio A. Dutosme

An enrolment analysis and financial status of Holy Cross of Agdao, Agdao, Davao City for the next five years from 1978-1982, Eleuterio A, Dutosme

A project feasibility study on earthmover tire reconditioning project, Exequiel M. Dy


A profile of broken homes of students from the middle and upper-middle income families of Metro Manila and a proposed pre-marital counseling activities, Lourdes M. Esguerra

A survey of the needs and problems of the novices of the Order of St. Gabriel as basis for a proposal of pastoral guidance program, Jacob Ezhanikatt

The effectiveness of Sadhana program in enhancing the self-concept of selected adolescents of St. Peter the Apostle High School, Manila, Joseph Francis S.V.D.

The relationship between perceived managerial behavior or secondary school principals and faculty morale of three selected Catholic high schools in Bukidnon province, Marlene Franco

On the evaluation and revitalization of the high school guidance program at St. Scholastica's College, Manila, Elizabeth M. Fuentes

Socio-economic status of the high school students of Dominican school, Dagupan City, Ma. Fe Gamotin

The costs of instruction in Dominican School Dagupan City, Ma. Fe Gamotin

Two valedictorians, Ma. Fe Gamotin

An expansion study for a wooden cabinet (for televisions and stereos) manufacturing concern, Tomas Grepo Genuino


A counselor training program for lay leaders of Sta. Rita Parish, Gingoog City, John C. Gilmore SSC

A feasibility study on the commercial aspect of weather modification (rainmaking) in the Philippines, Benjamin F. Gundran

The private domestic commercial banks in the Philippines and agricultural finance: Need for new outlook, structure and techniques, Edgardo C, Hernandez

An overall evaluation of the master of science counselor-training program of De La Salle University 1972-1977, Su-Lien Esperanza Huang

Importance attached by the teaching personnel to aspects of teaching and administrative practices in the archdiocesan schools of Nueva Segovia in Ilocos Sur, Teodora B. Jalea

Feasibility study on the mining of sand and gravel at Hacienda Remy, Bago City, Negros Occidental, Catalino B. Javellana

A model of delegation for St. Theresa's Academy Bauan, Batangas, Flora V. Javier

An inquiry into the cost of instruction of the high school department of St. Anne's Academy, Flora V. Javier

Dismissal or abandonment: A case study, Flora V. Javier

The effect of life planning on the purpose in life and the adjustment to life: An experimental study, Clarence Kahandawela FSC

Opinions of selected Filipino teenagers about priests, their priestly ministry, and some implications, Kenneth Koster

The relationships between perceived managerial behavior of secondary school principals and faculty morale of five selected Catholic high school in Batangas province, Antero Lacia

A comparative study of the organizational structures of three high schools in Roxas City in terms of delegation of functions., Rolando Conlu Langurayan

A forty-peso diploma (a case study)., Rolando Conlu Langurayan

Cost analysis of education in the high school department of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion, Roxas City during the school years 1975-76, 1976-77 and 1977-78, Rolando Conlu Langurayan

An item analysis of the Stanford achievement test in the intermediate level of St. Scholastica's College, Manila, Corazon G. Lauron

A study of the water-well drilling industry in the Philippines, Ramon D. Leoncio

A feasibility study of local manufacture of metal-clad switchgear, Wilfredo A. Lupos


Professional preparation of guidance counselors in the Philippines and its implications to counselor education, Thelma Pura Magsombol

A proposed guidance program for students and off-school trainees and an in-service training program for teachers of Tabuk Institute barrio high school, Evelyn F. Maliaman

Career realism among high school seniors of Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City and a proposed career guidance program for seniors, Neria I. Mandin

An appraisal of the principals' supervisory practices in schools administered by the sisters of St. Paul de Chartres, Emilie de Marie Manzano

A proposed model for financial viability of seven secondary mission schools in the provinces of Mindoro, Joel Llanillo Maribao

A study of administrative behavior in terms of delegation of authority-implications for better school management, Mary Joanna Mendoza

A study of teacher expectations and perceptions of administrative behavior in selected Paulinian schools, Mary Joanna Mendoza

The Bishop's dilemma: A case study, Mary Joanna Mendoza

The stability of interest as measured by the PGPII-M and its correlates : its congruence to selected courses and motivational factors, Wilfredo B. Mina

An evaluative study of the administrative policies and procedures on staffing and development of faculty at Saint Dominic College of Basco, Batanes, Aleth C. Misola

Student protest: A case study, Aleth C. Misola

A study of student's ratings of teaching effectiveness in four selected secondary schools, 1976-1977, Aleth C. Misola

A comparative study and analysis of the three secondary schools on delegation, Pedro H. Montejo

Self-reliance or closure: Case study, Pedro H. Montejo

An analysis of the enrolment of San Roque High School of Magsaysay, Misamis Oriental for 1972-77 and enrolment projection for 1978-82 as a frame of reference for planning, Pedro H. Montejo

Corporate strategy for the investment management division of an investment house, Evelyn L. Ng

A case study, Thelma Nietes

Delegation for effective management as practical by three catholic school principals in the province of Antique, Thelma Nietes

Perceived leadership behavior of three secondary principals in Antique and its relation to faculty morale in the school, Thelma Nietes

The perceived role of the principalship by the teachers and principals of the Prelature of Tagum, Davao 1977-1978, Augusto P. Ocampo

Project feasibility study on the canning and marketing of mango halves, Danilo S. Ocampo

Personality patterns of elementary and high school teachers in relation to efficiency ratings, Yolanda O. Oducado

The career preferences of first year students and other factors affecting career choices and their implications to career guidance, Remedios Palma Ogtong


Case studies on Universal Ink, Incorporated (A, B & C), Bernardino C. Paco

A comparative study of four secondary schools' organizational structure against a model in terms of delegation of functions, Maria Estelita P. Padernal

The unrecognized daughter: A case study, Maria Estelita P. Padernal

Students' perception of teacher behavior and its relation to student morale, Maria Estelita P. Padernal

An economic appraisal of registered enterprises under presidential decree no. 535, Evelyn B. Pantig

A critical study of the Philippine interocean-shipping, Enrique L. Parcon

Development and testing of a Van de Graaff generator using locally available materials for demonstration lessons in high school physics, Fredelina C. Pascua

Teachers' perception of the managerial leadership behavior of secondary school principals and its relationship to faculty morale in the six presentation of Mary Schools in Davao, Teresita Paulma

The feasibility of establishing a telephone exchange in Oroquieta City, Misamis Occidental, Romeo B. Pausanos

A comparative study of the organizational structures of three high schools against the model in terms of delegation of functions, Ananias T. Picando

Living in the now: A case study, Ananias T. Picando

Some factors associated with parents' expectation and satisfaction which influenced their choice of Christ the King College as a school for their children, Ananias T. Picando

A comparative study of the organizational structure of three selected Catholic high schools in Davao City with a model in terms of delegation, Alfredo B. Potestas

The disciplinarian: A case study, Alfredo B. Potestas

An analysis of the students' perception of the student services in Ateneo de Davao high school department during school year 1977-78, Alfredo B. Potestas

An evaluation of teaching effectiveness as perceived by students, teachers and administrators at the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary, Naga City, Noriel A. Priela

A proposed model administrative-faculty manual for minor seminaries in region V., Noriel A. Priela Fr.

The October revolution (a case study)., Noriel A. Priela Fr.

Group guidance program for high school students of Jose L. Valencia Academy, Merlinda C. Prior

The feasibility of establishing a paper plate and banking cup manufacturing firm, Eduardo S. Ramos

An ecological investigation on selected areas in the intertidal zone of Matuod, Lian, Batangas, Jane T. Ramos


A project feasibility study on locally manufacturing and marketing of wooden loom shuttles, Francisco F. Rebosura

Intensifying the homeroom guidance program of the University of Saint Anthony high school department, Rebecca V. Regala

A general chemistry course with emphasis on the human environment, Teresita F. Religioso

Case studies on Planters Products, Inc. (A), (B), and (C), Pascual N. Reyes

The administrative process as practiced by the naturalized Filipino administrators at St. Stephen's High School as perceived by its natural-born Filipino teaching staff, Rolando M. Rodriguez

A comparative study of the delegated functions of three Catholic high school principals, Milagros M. Romero