Volume 3, Issue 1 (2024) June
Short Articles
The Construct of English Native Speaker in Hong Kong
Ka Long Roy Chan
Long Articles
Digital Social Reading in Second Language Learning and Teaching: Synthesis of Current Research and Pedagogical Practices
Chiew Hong Ng and Yin Ling Cheung
Can Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Help Improve Hong Kong Secondary School Students' Vocabulary Attainment?
Louis William Gray
A Qualitative Study of Closed Captions in English Language Teaching (ELT) YouTube Videos
Queenie Mae G. Hernandez, Monica Louise G. Nacionales, and Camilla J. Vizconde
Cross-Cultural and Cross-Proficiency Analysis of Selected Cohesion Indices in Student Essays
Audrey Buenavista Morallo
Investigating Attitudes, Perceptions, and Challenges of Moroccan EFL Teachers' Incorporation of Critical Thinking in Argumentative Writing Instructions
Abdelmomen Khalil and Nadia Hellalet
Towards More Inclusive Practices in Applied Linguistics: A Study of Journal Editors’ Views on Using ‘Who’ with Nonhuman Animals with Implications for Language Education
Denise Dillon, George M. Jacobs, and Meng Huat Chau