Educational Leadership and Management Dissertations | Educational Leadership and Management | De La Salle University


Theses/Dissertations from 2023


A model for assessment leadership: A systematic document analysis in the development of an assessment leadership experience questionnaire, Alixander Haban Escote

Theses/Dissertations from 2022

Case Studies of Three Successful Family-Owned Higher Educational Institutions, Maria Luz T. Macasinag


A mixed-method study on the exercise of personal power by schools division superintendents in the Philippines, Glaiza Mama

Towards an understanding of seminary leadership in mainland China, Shejun Ma

Embodying the Marist values in education: A grounded theory approach, Nino Mayor Pizarro


Exploring instructional leadership practices in selected centers of excellence – Colleges of nursing in the Philippines: A multicase study design, Mary Nellie T. Roa


Being a school leader in Filipino-Chinese basic education schools in Metro Manila during COVID-19: A phenomenological study, Angeline K. Tan

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Teachers at the forefront of educational change: A mixed methods study of academic track teachers undergoing a career transition to senior high school in the Philippines, Elizabeth R. Enverga


Defining a Catholic teacher leader: Cultivating the seeds of Catholic school charism, Argel I. Hipol


Actualizing self-autonomy: A grounded theory on the Aetas' understanding of higher education, Michael Anthony B. Lapid


Case studies of three successful family-owned higher educational institutions, Maria Luz T. Macasinag

Achieving the Desired: A Grounded Theory of Visionary Leadership among higher Educational Institutions in the Philippines, Kimberley Mendoza Migallos

Toward a Conceptual Framework of Filipino Leadership among educational leaders in selected Philippine Higher educational institutions using multi-grounded theory, Lorelie Paraiso


Shared strategic leading: A substantive grounded theory of the leadership of academic deans of Centers of Excellence in higher education institutions in the Philippines, Nelson C. Tantoco

Theses/Dissertations from 2020

Modeling Leadership: A Grounded Theory on becoming educational leaders, Montano Agudilla Jr.


Development of a transition management framework: Multiple case studies of Catholic basic education institutions in the Philippines, Joseph B. Azarcon


Understanding knowledge management in the implementation of outcomes-based education in Malayan Colleges Laguna, Dodjie S. Maestrecampo


Understanding the instructional leadership practices of exemplar secondary school principals in Kerala, India: A multiple case study, Bijumon Thomas