"Achieving the Desired: A Grounded Theory of Visionary Leadership among" by Kimberley Mendoza Migallos

Achieving the Desired: A Grounded Theory of Visionary Leadership among higher Educational Institutions in the Philippines

Date of Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Major in Educational Leadership and Management


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Advisor

Fr. Jesus Jay Miranda, Jr., O.P.

Defense Panel Chair

Sr. Teresa Yasa, F.I., Ph.D.

Defense Panel Member

Rochelle Irene G. Lucas, Ph.D.

Runvi V. Manguerra, Ph.D.

Ma. Lourdes F. Melegrito, Ph.D.

Abdul Jhariel M. Osman, Ph.D.


This grounded theory study focuses on Visionary Leadership in higher educational institutions in the Philippines. The study included school presidents that have gained prominence in education. The research was informed by Corbin & Strauss in analyzing the data. Based on the collected data, the core category “Achieving the Desired” has emerged. The core category is divided into six major themes. These themes are further explained by its descriptions or dimensions. The incidents were analyzed using line by line coding. The researcher then came up with a framework that would represent the themes found in the study. The study aims to contribute to the growing body of research on visionary leadership and other forms of leadership such as Transformational Leadership and Distributed Leadership. The research also points to inquire more on how visionary leadership can be of use to higher educational institutions as they go through volatile changes.

Key words: Visionary Leadership, Higher Education, Grounded Theory, School Presidents, Qualitative Research

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