Economics Bachelor's Theses | Economics | De La Salle University


Theses/Dissertations from 1983

The eleven major industrial projects: Its employment generating potential, Dorinda G. De Guzman and Evelyn O. Yu

Incidence of strikes in the manufacturing sector and the new strike laws (1981-1983), Eduardo R. Del Rosario and Noel N. Cambronero

Life insurance in the national economy, Anna Marie Formoso Dicen and Jocelyn Fuentes Hubilla

Economics of underdevelopment: dependence theory and the Philippine experience, Noel C. Flores

Consumerism and the socio-economic condition in the Philippines, Loida U. Garde

Rural bank deposits as an indicator of rural growth, Sheila Glinoga and Pattricia L. Sarmiento

A study of selected occupational wage differential between the government and the private sector in Metro Manila, Jessie Guevarra and Noriel Avinante

ASEAN : Economic integration or economic cooperation, Edgardo C. Inocencio

The Philippine National Railways: a case study of competition, Ma. Milagros V. Jimenez

An economic assessment of the Philippine Export Processing Zones, Guia B. Librojo

An analysis of the adequacy of international reserves in the Philippines, Alexandet Lim and Ma. Rosario Zalamea

Toward a Philippine saving function, Hui Lim Lim and Norbert Son

Toward a Phil. saying function, Lim Hui Lim and N. Son

Income effects of the Alcogas Program to the major producers of the sugar industry, Martin C. Llado

The interindustry wage structure in the Philippines, 1972-1977, Alice Chiok Lo and Freddie C. Sotto

The semiconductor industry: growth and long term prospects, Leonides O. Lopez

Urban unemployment: the case of the National Capital Region, Marie Grace Madamba and Maria Lolita Toledo

A study on child employment in the City of Manila, Rogelio Constantino Medina and Carlos P. Leano IV

An evaluation of dumping cases in the Philippines, Margarita E. Mendoza

Overseas employment: Effects on the quality of the Philippine labor force, Charles C. Ngan and Alan S. Yu

An analysis of Philippines trade with the ASEAN: 1971-1981, Kwan-Lam Niu

Impact analysis of municipal water utilities: a case study of the Los Banos water district, Gerardo L. U. Onate

A five-year financial plan for Anflocars, Incorporated, Ma. J. Corazon O. Ordono

The Export Incentives Act: its effects on export performance, 1970-1982, Arnaldo Emerito Palad and Jose Ma. Villaescusa

A critical study of the impact of the new policy guidelines governing peso borrowings by multinational corporations (1975-1982), Emmanuel Peña Jr. and Debbie Marbella

Internal revenue allotments and its revenue-sharing effects on selected cities of Metro Manila, Paulita Rosario L. Pinto

The issue of international technology transfer and the transfer of technology in the Philippines, Roy M. Regala and Virgilio Buan

The policy-making influence of multinationals in the Philippines, Catherine D. Serra

Impact of the government on the motion picture industry in the Philippines, Irvin Raymundo S. Soria

Int'l trade and the national income multiplier, Wei Yi Szi

Kahn's employment multiflier: its relation with Philippine local investments, Edwin H. Tan

A study of the relationship between female employment and fertility in selected urban squatter area, Jane Yap and Ma. Susana A. Zaldarriaga

Theses/Dissertations from 1982

A proposition to operate the De La Salle University Food center under a cooperative form of business organization, Michael T. Ang and Jourdan T. Lim

Government intervention in business in the Philippines: The extent and implication, Jose Mari Banzon

The determinants of profit levels in the rural banking system of the Philippines, Ma. Corazon Bautista and Ma. Carolina Ibanez

A study on consumer groups in the Philippines, Jose Emelito Bernabe and Manuel Liwanag

Assessment of the effects of LRT on jeepney operations, Arthur R. Cacacho and Catalino T. Cachuela

A classical production model, Lisa Chai and Susan Ng Fung

Inquiry into the economic development prospects of Philippine trade from a classical argument of relative factor endowment, Ma. Felicidad C. Chung and Ma. Rosario P. Labao

The managed float in the Philippines, Christopher Cuyengkeng and Kenneth Garcia So

A ten-year review of the competitiveness of Philippines product through exchange rate indices evaluation, Alma T. De Leon and Ma. Antonietta A. Ganas

Public investment versus private investment as a principal economic growth factor, Antonina B. Espiritu and Grace L. Ngo

An economic evaluation of the soybean industry, Joel Rizaldy Gonzalez Flor

A research study on the development of banking in the Philippines - from the Spanish era to the pre-Martial law years, Artemio Gesmundo

The impact of commodity agreements on the prices and volume of internationally traded commodities, Cynthia Misa Guanzon and Ma. Lourdes Lim Teruel

A study of the Philippine fishing industry, Matthew E. Joseph and Albert Paul C. Uy

Developing alternative tourism in the Philippines, Ma. Theresa P. Limgenco and Miren L. Sun

A comparative study of selected drug entities through breakeven analysis, George Lim and Anthony Gaweco

An assessment of government policies towards scientific manpower development., Johnny C. O'Laco

Inter-industry relations of the manufacturing sector in the Philippines, Caroline Y. Ong and Rosario F. Reinoro

The informal sector in the Greater Manila Area: economic perspective, Susan A. Palicpic

A trend analysis of leading traditional and non-traditional exports (1970-1979), Marion Jacqueline P. Poblete

Regional disparities in the Philippines: Some historical aspects, Rosario Salvacion and Marlene O. Tan

Analysis of the nutritional problems of the Filipinos, Carolyn-Sylvia M. Sancianco

The coffee industry of the Philippines., Rolando A. Santos

An evaluation on consumer reaction on selected Kadiwa Centers, Jose Maria F. Sarte and Enrique Jose R. Zalamea

World sugar prices and domestic sugar production, Mary Caroline J. Singson and Ma. Soledad P. Villafria

An evaluation of the integrated agricultural financing program in the province of Bulacan, Earnest Angco Soberano

An evaluation of using Engel's law as a measure of development, Rey C. Tancinco

Linking special drawing rights facility with aid to enhance international development, Marcia A. Urrutia and Kenneth H. Go

Theses/Dissertations from 1981

Investment activity in the ASEAN, Reynaldo Alejandro and Emmanuel L. Samson

A study on the viability of the automobile diesel engine market in the Philippines, Angelo O. Aquino

Some investment mediums to beat inflation, Jacqueline Roxas Ledesma

The efficiency of production: an analysis of the Philippine Professional Basketball, Yu Chuen Lim

Unibanking and the commercial banking system, Chiu Kwan Ong

Theses/Dissertations from 1980

A study on the Philippine Agricultural sector from 1967-1977, Albert Chua

The economics of Philippine coal exploration activities: A project evaluation of the Uling coal project, William G. Gastrock and Reynold P. Ong

A demand analysis towards peak load pricing of electricity for Metropolitan Manila, Pia Mapua Lim

Theses/Dissertations from 1979

An Analysis of the agricultural short-term credit non-payment problem in the Philippines, Ernesto C. Alcantara

The tourist hotel industry: Demand and supply components, Agnes A. Blas and Frederick De Lange

The absorption rate of De La Salle Economics graduates in government, private and self-employed sectors, Napoleon Gonzales and Eustacio B. Jorge

The Philippine export of garments, Susan A. Kalalo

Overseas employment and the Filipinos, Jose A. Lamson

Preserved fruits and fruit preparations: an industry study, Pia O. Velasco

Theses/Dissertations from 1978

A comparative study of the determinants of residential real estate values in Quezon City and Los Banos from 1970 to 1978, Corazon C. Andres and Ma. Lourdes Roxas

Comprehensive manpower assessment survey phase II, JC Anselmo and Nic Villanueva

A feasibility study of a plywood manufacturing firm, Roberto Bernabe and Renato Diaz de Rivera

A study on the growth and development of savings banks in the Philippines, Mila Bernardo Constantino

Impact analysis of small-scale industry on employment: A Philippine experience, Corazon Malate

A feasibility study of a footwear manufacturing firm, Ramon Manalo and Advinculo Quiblat

B and M Printing, Benjamin Sumayao and Milton Tan

Theses/Dissertations from 1977

Philippine capital formation: 1946 to 1975, Ma. Victoria G. Alora

Development for Filipinos, Georgina Arboleda

Streams of economic consciousness: rationality, Nestor Plaza Cabalag

An economic evaluation of the copper industry in the Philippines, Antonio Ampil Cabral

Economic development of the province of Cagayan from 1965-1975, Fernando Carag

The relative position of the agricultural sector in the Philippine economy, 1965-1976, Nestor Carrillo

A study on labor absorption in the Philippines, Manuelito Villanueva Castillo

A study on the status quo of the labor force, Joseph T. Chua

Tax burden by income class, Edgardo M. Cruz

Copper mining industry: role in the economy, Martin Tan de Bibiana

Empirical measurements of the effectiveness of irrigation in the production of rice in Cavite, George Dolorfino

Marketing system for livestock products, Luis A. Dongallo

The hotel industry in Baguio, Wilfrido D. Gamboa

An economic evaluation of the progressive car manufacturing program, Rodrigo G. Gatmaitan

A production function of victory estate fishpond, Salvador Guevarra

The PCMP as a vehicle for employment generation in small-scale industry, Maricor L. Lacson

The role of commercial bank credit in the economy, Pilarisa R. Legaspi

The effectivity of rural bank loans to the agricultural sector, Mario Potente Mascardo

Labor in the Philippine status, issues, and prospects, Augusto P. Palisoc