

This paper examines the developmental stage of Japanese English as one of the expanding circle varieties from the attitude perspective. The literature review presents the theories of World Englishes, what Japanese English is, and the previous attitudinal studies on Japanese English. The questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the linguistic attitudes of Japanese English users towards the forms and use of their English. The result suggests that a higher frequency of English use positively affects the acceptability of some of the features of Japanese English yet at the same time more frequent users of English tend to see the characteristics of Japanese English negatively; an ambivalent attitude reported in previous studies. The generational difference presents that there are less negative attitudes towards local features in younger generations except for strong norm-dependency in students’ age. The developmental stage of Japanese English and the applicability of Schneider (2003)’s model is also examined. The paper concludes with an implication for English education and further field of World Englishes research.

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