Peer Review | Journal of English and Applied Linguistics | DLSU Publications | De La Salle University


Peer Review Overview

To comply with international publishing standards, our journal employs a double-blind peer review system,typically lasting three to four months. This period allows the reviewers to thoroughly evaluate submitted manuscripts. We are dedicated to a fair review process and deeply value the contributions of our reviewers in maintaining the journal's quality.

Acceptance Criteria

During the pre-review evaluation by the editor and the review process by the reviewers, manuscripts are evaluated based on:

  1. Novelty of Insights: The research article should offer new insights to the field.
  2. Scientific Rigor: The study should ensure that the methods are conducted with precision, transparency, and accountability.
  3. Coherence and Clarity: The manuscript should be well-written and logically organized.
  4. Ethicality: Research must adhere to ethical guidelines, including necessary approvals and ethical use of AI.
  5. Fitness to the Journal's Scope: The content should align with the journal’s scope and the interest of the journal's readership.
Initial Screening

The Managing Editor uses Turnitin to check submissions for originality. Articles with over 10% similarity are rejected immediately. The Editor-in-Chief reviews submissions for suitability, novelty, and significant contribution. Successful papers are forwarded to Principal Associate Editors or Section Editors, who assign two expert reviewers.

Double-blind Peer Review

Articles undergo a double-blind peer review by two experts, ensuring confidentiality of authors’ and reviewers’ identities. Reviewers provide objective feedback without revealing their identities. If reviewers disagree, the Editor-in-Chief, the Assigned Principal Associate Editor , or the Assigned Section editor decides on whether to publish the work or not.

Review of In-house Editorial Submissions and Invited Authors

Editorial Board members can submit papers for review via JEAL's submission link. The Editor-in-chief may decide to review the submission or assign it to other members of the Editorial Board. If a Reviewing Editor recognizes an author's identity, they must decline the assignment, and the Editor-in-Chief will appoint another reviewer.