

[29 DEC 2023] Call for Papers

JEAL now accepts submission of long and short articles for possible publication in its Volume 3 for 2024. Please first check Aims & Scope before submitting your articles.

Deadline of Submission

  • Vol. 3, No. 2 (December 2024): July 30, 2024
  • Submission is all year round, but those who wish to get published in the December 2024 issue must submit on or before the deadline indicated above.

    All papers are anonymously and rigorously reviewed by two reviewers. All accepted papers are published free of charge.

    For further details, please contact Dr. Leah Gustilo at leah.gustilo@dlsu.edu.ph.

Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2023) June


Short Articles

Long Articles


A Qualitative Study of Closed Captions in English Language Teaching (ELT) YouTube Videos
Queenie Mae G. Hernandez, Monica Louise G. Nacionales, and Camilla J. Vizconde