"Digital Literacy Skills" by Darwin A. Delima, Rejie J. Mamaril et al.

Sinaya: A Philippine Journal for Senior High School Teachers and Students


Humanities, Arts and Education

Research Advisor

Darren Rey C. Javier


The current study investigates senior high school (SHS) students' awareness of the importance of digital literacy in times of uncertainty. Studies on digital literacy in DepEd Rizal have not been given sufficient attention. Hence, there is a dearth of studies showing whether students are fully aware of the digital literacy skills needed in distance learning. Consequently, an online qualitative survey gathered data from fifty (50) senior high school students presently enrolled in the different strands and tracks in the division. To better understand students’ awareness of the needed skills, thematic analysis of Braun and Clarke (2006) was utilized. Students' qualitative responses were interpreted into several emerging themes. Results revealed that some students are cognizant of the digital skills they need to possess, such as critical thinking, online safety skills, and communication. This study hopes to provide implications to students, teachers, and curriculum developers.
