"Predicting college grade point average with the use of high school gra" by Jane D. Montegrande

Predicting college grade point average with the use of high school grade point average and college entrance test (CET) total score

Added Title

Evaluation of the guidance services of Urios College
Case of the lips that crew thick

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories



Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Alexa F. Abrenica

Defense Panel Chair

Justin Lucian, FSC

Defense Panel Member

Alexa F. Abrenica
Imelda Villar
Exaltacion C. Ramos


v. 1. This study attempted to establish the institutional validity of the CET as a screening instrument for freshmen college students at Urios College. Ninety-three students enrolled in one of the five courses at Urios College in 1971 were the samples of the study. These samples were drawn from the more than three hundred freshmen students enrolled during the first and second semester of 1971. The samples were chosen on the basis of the availability of their CET results and other data needed for the study. This study seeks to find the answer to the following questions : 1) What is the degree of relationship between the College Entrance Test total score (CET T score) and the College Grade Point Average (CGPA)? between the High School Grade Point Average (HSGPA) and the CGPA? between the HSGPA and the CET T score? 2) Which of the predictors (CET T score and HSGPA) is most predictive of the CGPA? and 3) Given a T score in the CET and HSGPA, is it possible to predict a student's academic performance in college in terms of the grade point average? The CGPA was identified as the criterion variable while the HSGPA and the CET T score as the predictor variables. The Wang Calculator was used in the computation of the following : mean, standard deviation, simple correlation, the multiple correlation, the regression equation, and the standard error of estimate of the multiple R. The findings of the research conclude that : 1) There is a substantial relationship between the CET T score and the CGPA, there is also a substantial correlation between the HSGPA and the CET T score, a marked relationship was found between the HSGPA and the CGPA and lastly, it has shown through the multiple regression that the HSGPA and the CET T score can be used as valid instruments for screening and predicting CGPA of freshmen students at Urios College 2) Based upon the simple correlation and the contribution of the predictors to the criterion variable, the HSGPA seems to be a better predictor than the CET T score and 3) It is possibl

v. 2. This study aims to determine the adequacy of the present guidance services at Urios College, and to propose improvements if such services are inadequate in meeting the needs of the students. The descriptive survey method was employed in the study. Data were obtained through analysis of administrative manuals, school records, and cumulative folders of students. Interview findings, observations, and impressions supported the data gathered. A limited survey by means of issuing questionnaires to six faculty members of the school helped verify and strengthen the findings gathered from the analyses of the school records and others. Findings of the study showed the existence of the following services in the school : Testing service, Counseling service, Individual inventory service, Research and evaluation service, Orientation service, Group guidance service, and Checking of students' attendance. These services were not meeting the needs of the students and there seemed to be a concentration of activity in the testing service and the checking of students' attendance. Counseling service was not given emphasis. Minimal counseling was geared towards those who were failing in the midterm and those who have incurred absences. The whole guidance service was not very efficient because of lack of planning and organization. The services which needed improvement were the counseling service and the group guidance service.

v. 3. This study has afforded the counselor-trainee the opportunity to handle an elementary school child in a one to one relationship making use of behavioral counseling. The client, a six year old boy, was referred by the mother to the counselor-trainee on account of his lip-sucking habit. This had been going on for the past three years or more. Interview with the mother revealed that the boy was noticed to have started to suck at the age of three when his sister was born. Nothing was done by both parents to stop the boy from this habit. This year, the mother thought of referring the boy to the counselor-trainee. The boys permanent teeth have started to appear and the mother was worried that this would effect the formation of the permanent teeth. For treatment, the counselor-trainee made use of SPAM treatment, a learning-situation strategy to alter maladaptive behavior of the counselee. Specifically, four behavior modification techniques were used: cueing, reinforcement, behavior contract, and presentation of an aversive stimulus in the form of a picture. The treatment lasted for more than a month at the end of which the client was able to unlearn his maladaptive behavior. It was found in the study that : 1) the behavioral counseling is effective in effecting change of behavior 2) a combination of strategem is more effective in changing behavior of the counselee than when only one is used 3) handling an elementary school child entails a different approach from that of an adolescent and 4) change of behavior should be gradually introduced to make it more effective.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

3 v. in 1, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Prediction of scholastic success; Educational counseling; Educational counseling--Case studies; Urios College (Philippines)--Entrance examinations

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