"A proposed guidance program for La Salette of Santiago high school" by Maria Estrella L. Ner

A proposed guidance program for La Salette of Santiago high school

Added Title

Michelle Belle
Obel De Dios

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education major in Guidance and Counseling

Subject Categories



Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Counseling and Educational Psychology

Thesis Adviser

Justin Lucian, FSC

Defense Panel Chair

Imelda Villar

Defense Panel Member

Justin Lucian, FSC
Josefina Santamaria
Felicidad Catli


v. 1. The study is a Proposed Guidance Program for La Salette of Santiago High School, Santiago, Isabela. La Sallete of Santiago High School is a catholic co-educational school owned by the Missionary Fathers of Our Lady of La Salette and administered by the Maryknoll Sisters. The school has a population of about 1,500 students, and offers all courses required for secondary high school from the first year to fourth year. The proposed guidance program provides a formulated general objectives and policies, and includes provisions for : guidance facilities and equipment staffing program, estimated operational budget for the program setting up an orientation program for teachers for their professional growth, as a scientific and technical bases for : better organization planning coordination of guidance program services and activities to help implement the school's objectives and policies in meeting the needs of the students. It offers maximum guidance services like : a) Counseling Service, (individual and group), b) Testing and Research Service, and c) Information Service and a description of the unified integration of functions of the different services to help students make necessary adjustments to : school, family, community they live in. The program has also provided opportunities for students to develop their potentials in order to contribute to the progress of society through vocational, spiritual and social activities where they have occasions to experience and explore their skills and talents where they can derive satisfaction and become happy individuals. Based on the Mooney Problem Check List given to the whole student population of La Salette of Santiago High School, the program provided a planned program of activities coordinated and integrated with school's curricular and extra-curricular activities to help the students : to develop and realize their abilities capabilities skills and talents for better integration, direction, and self-actualization to live a full human Christian li

v. 2. In behavioral counseling, it is very important that the problem of the counselee be specified and defined in behavioral terms. As for our case, Michelle's problem is telling enormous lies. Her maladaptive behavior of telling lies is negatively reinforced by her mothers constant nagging and the social restrictions laid on her. Most often the common situations where parents and young adults have conflicts are in the area of choosing ones life partner and wanting to play their new role in society such as that of being a spouse and parents. Parental intervention and social restrictions, which directly or indirectly curtails this desire to be independent, to become a contributing member of the society create much friction and tension as we have seen in Michelle's case. Fear of parental punishment led Michelle to tell lies regarding her social life. The goal is to eradicate this habit of telling lies. The goal, however, must be compatible with Michelle's value and also attainable by her through the means used to attain this goal. SPAM treatment technique, which is Specific, Pertinent Attainable and Measurable, is utilized to bring about desired behavior change of telling truths. Role Shift and Positive Reinforcement was used in the modification of maladaptive behavior of telling enormous lies to adaptive behavior of telling truths. The frequency of Michelle's telling lies was determined from interview gathered by the author from the parents and also an outright affirmation from Michelle. The frequency of her telling lies is about 100 times a day. The goal is to reduce this from 100 to zero. Knowing the baseline behavior Michele is operating on, a frequency graph is constructed to measure the progress or non-progress of Michelle during the treatment period and to be able to determine whether the reinforcement used is effective. The author started working with Michelle on March 9, 1972 and was stretched out to a period of seven months. The first meeting was just casual, trying to feel her way through. Formal counseli

v. 3. In this paper, the author made an attempt to demonstrate how much help can be extended by means of behavioral counseling techniques. The aim of the application is to modify the maladaptive behavior of the counselee. We know that most problems people have are problems of social learning, rather than symptoms of deep intrapsychic difficulties. Assuming that the individual is normal, there are certain normal adjustive problems, which can be separated and worked on. In such a situation, we believe that the individual could be helped. In the social learning process, the significant others and the whole environment in which the child interacts plays an important role in the social adjustment of the child. We deal with what we can observe, the desired behavior to be changed must be identified and compatible with the counselees values. Goals are set to achieve such change and a workable plan of action is drawn up to achieve such goals. The counselee is Obel de Dios, a normal, seventeen-year-old teenage girl. The specific problems in which she needs assistance are : 1. Maladaptive rude verbal interaction with mother and 2. Her G.P.A. grades in Science and Mathematics is in the 70s. The goal is to decrease the rude verbal interaction with the mother, and to increase the grade point average from 70s to the 80s. We have studied in psychology that behavior is caused. The specific nature of Obels difficulty lies in her relationship with her parents. The demands and high expectations of the parents and the constant nagging on the part of the mother led Obel to rude verbal interaction with them. This was disturbing on the part of Obel, which also affected her studies. The negative interaction of rude verbal interaction between Obel and her mother occurred 9 times a day a minimum of three times each meal. The frequency upon which the maladaptive behavior occurred in a specific situation helped the author determine the level the counselee is operating on. This is useful to be able to give the necessary reinforcement so th

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

3 v. in 1, 28 cm. ; Typescript


Educational counseling; Educational counseling--Case studies

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