
Theses/Dissertations from 1963

Problems faced by advertising agencies in the Philippines, Eduardo U. Tan

A study of advertising media selection for household appliances, Henry F. Tan

Manufacture of phthalic anhydride from napthalene, Ricardo N. Tan

Mechanical plant design for the production of copper sulfate, Augusto Villa-real

Mechanical plant design for the manufacture of silicon carbide abrasives., Joseph L. Whittaker

A study of advertising media and its use by Coca-cola, Enrique Ynfante

A project study on the production of powder phenolic resin glue for the local plywood industry, Rafael R. Zaide

Mechanical plant design for the low-acid and low current density electrolytic zinc plant, Miguel M. Zosa

Mechanical plant design for the extraction of castor oil., Rafael Zuluaga

Theses/Dissertations from 1962

A project study on extraction of lumbang oil, Adriatico Roa Abarquez

The role of the cement industry in the Philippine post war economy, Heriberto Siapco Alvarez Jr.

A project study on zinc oxide zinc ore, Ramon R. Atayde

A project study on a 4,400 kw. steam turbine power plant, Jose B. Balite

A project study on newsprint from woodwaste, Abelardo Bantug

A discriminative study of the development of the Philippine Overseas Merchant Marine, Carlos H. Barcelo

A study of a steam turbine plant of 4,000 kw. capacity, Edgardo E. Bendana

A project study on the expression of orange oil from orange peels, Fidel Buenaventura

A design of a 4000-kw steam power plant, Tomas L. Canandang

A project study on 8,400 kilowatts steam power plant, Paulino E. Canumay

A design of a 4,000-kw steam power plant, Michael L. Carino

A design of a 7,600-kw steam power plant, Pedro A. Castillo

A project study on the manufacture of cattle feed, Miguel Catala

A project study on corn starch production, Fernando L. Chin

A project study on a 4,000-kw steam turbine generator, Ignacio O. Chua

A study of the economic outlook of the coffee industry in the Philippines, Serapion R. Cortez

The nature of the contribution of the insurance companies in the development of the Philippine economy, Marciano Cruz

A study of the problems of the tobacco industry in the Philippines, Roberto Marquez Dawis

A study on closed-circuit ball milling of manganese dioxide, Edwin L. Espiritu

A design of a 3,600 kw steam electric generating plant, Deogracias Estrella

A design of an 8,400-kw steam-turbine power plant, Vicente M. Feliciano

A design of a 4,000-kw steam power plant, Fernando Fernando

A study of residential land development, Angel Tito Filamor

A project study on pulp from abaca waste, Franklin G. Fuenrebella

A project study on 4400-kw power plant, Jose R. Godinez

A project study on a 3,600-kw steam turbine power plant, Edgardo N. Guilateo

A design of a 4,400-kw steam turbine power plant, Emilio H. Infante

Pig iron from local ore, Jose C. Pugeda Inocencio

A project study of an 8,000-kw steam turbine power plant, Jose J. J. Jison

A study of the cassava industry in the Philippines, Antonio P. Kabigting

A sodium silicate plant in Tangwan silica miner, Sinfroso L. Kapawan

A project study of a 7,600-kw steam turbine power plant, Adolfo L. Ledesma

An investigation of the productive phase in open-sea fishing for the Philippines, Orlando Benedicto Ledesma

A 3600-kw steam turbine power plant, Basilio L. Limdico

A project study of a 4,000-kw steam turbine power plant, Federico Lim

Design of a 4,000-kw steam turbine power plant, Emilio B. Liwanag

A project study on sulfur recovery from waste gases, Guillermo Luchangco

A project study of a 3800-kw steam power plants, Exequil Magsaysay

An analysis of the minimum wage law of the Philippines, Luis Obieta Manapat

A design of a 3,600 kw power plants, George Murillo

A comprehensive study of the role of the printing ink industry in our industrial development, Ricardo D. Nicolas Jr.

A project study on zinc chloride from scrap zinc, Mauro A. Olano and Ronal M. Rojas

A survey of the business operations of Philippine telephone systems, Raul A. Quisumbing

A project study of a 8,400-kw steam power plant, Americus N. Ramos

A design on a power plant with a capacity of 8,400 kw, Hermenegildo P. Reyes

Carbon black lynn furmatic process, Godofredo R. Rodriguez

A design of a 3,600-kw steam turbine power plant, Ross B. Rogers

A project study on cassava productions, Antonio L. Royeca

Design of a 8,000-kw steam turbine power plant, Domingo Sagum

A comparative study of the production and distribution of our milk industry, Wilfredo A. San Juan

A project study on bakers yeast, Jesus R. Santamaria

A design of an 8,400-kw electric generating plant, Romeo S. Santiago

A project study on soybean oil extraction, E. L. Santos

A survey of fringe benefits given by companies in Greater Manila, Robert Louis Scheerer

A project study on extraction of essential oil from citronella grass, Tan C. Sian

A report on Republic Glass Corporation., Arsenio M. Silva

A project study on furfural on rice mills, Rafael L. Sumera

A project study on monosodium glutamate from molasses fermentation, Cheng Hoan Tan

A design of a 7,600-kw steam power plant, Renato L. Torres

A project study on orange juice and frozen concentrate, Angel Villareal

An analysis of the tourist industry in the Philippines, Danilo A. Wieneke

An analysis of the principal financing practices of finance companies in the Philippines, George T. Yang

A study of the potentialities of the tuna and sardine canning industry, Roland Jao Young

A design of a 4,000-kw steam electric generating plant, Alberto Zaldariaga

Extraction of sugar cane wax, Ramon Zaldariaga

The design of a 4,000 kw turbine generator power plants, Ramon M. Zosa

Theses/Dissertations from 1961

The extraction of castor oil from castor seeds, Agerico L. Abaca

The manufacture of anhydrous ammonia, Manuel A. Alcuaz

An analysis of the possibility of adapting motivation research in the Philippines, Enrique P. Altonaga

Savings banking in the Philippines, George Ampil

An analysis of small scale retailing in the Philippines, Romeo Payumo Amurao

The production of sodium sulfate and hydrocholoric acid from sulfate acid and sodium chloride, Daniel B. Andia

A survey of the fishing industry in the Philippines, Manuel G. Araullo

Design project on manufacture of wood coke, Jeorge Atendido

The design of the proposed replacement power plant for the Southern Electric Company, Inc., Renato T. Bonilla and Jose M. Zaldarriaga

The manufacture of urea-formaldehyde resin for adhesives, Gregorio J. Catenza

Fertilizer from garbage, Adolfo L. Cornelio

Thesis in dinnerware fabrication, Joselito G. Cortes

An inquiry into the nature of advertising agencies and their operations, Eduardo C. Crespo

Pulp and paper from bamboo, Carmelo Nilo Cruz

Design of the proposed power plant for the Cruzalca Rubber Company, Virgilio C. Cruz and Laurentino Alcasabas

A proposed plant for the processing of ham, Joaquin Cuisia

The growth of the Social Security System, Lionel Da Silva

A steam turbo electric power plant proposed and designed for a 70 metric ton low shaft furnace pig iron plant, Victor A. De Jesus and Jose L. Batto Jr.

An analysis of the abaca industry, Antonio Z. De Marcaida

Project study on the processing of decorticated ramie fibers, Eduardo De Rivera

A project study on the manufacture of soy sauce from copra meal, Mariano T. Dinglasan

A project study on processing of cassava flour using the dry process, Alejandro T. Escano

The manufacture of silicon carbide abrasive, Arturo Escobar

The manufacture of wallboards from coconut husks., Enrique Estrellado

Design project on the production of activated carbon from agricultural waste, Cristobal M. Fabie