"A print package for USA Laboratories, Inc." by Renee Rose Bernardo, Teresa Calma et al.

A print package for USA Laboratories, Inc.

Date of Publication


Document Type

Bachelor's Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Major in Communication Arts


College of Liberal Arts




The proponents of this project adopted USA Laboratories, Inc. as their organization. USA Laboratories, Inc. is a Filipino owned company that manufactures and promotes generic drugs. It was founded on January 1994 by a group of doctors and businessmen who also pioneered USA Generics Pharma, Inc.

According to the group's organizational supervisor, Ms. Rhodora de Guzman (Product and Training Manager of USALAB), the number one communication problem facing the company is disseminating information to their clients, employees, business partners and prospective investors. Thus, the proponents solved this problem of information dissemination by producing a corporate profile for USALAB's business partners and prospective investors training manual for their medical representatives and three product literature for their clients.

The corporate profile is an 8 .5' X 11 publication and has eight pages. The proponents designed and laid out the corporate profile in a way that best reflects the image of the company that is dynamic, yet open to changes . The proponents also wrote the contents of the corporate profile that contains a description of the company, how it started, its image, the people who work there, its manufacturing plant, its products and its location. All pictures that appeared and were used taken by the proponents.

The training manual is an 8 .5' X 11 manual that has 72 pages. This was also designed and laid out by the group, in a manner that will be easily understood by the trainees. However, the contents of this manual were provided by the company, since this manual contains medical, legal and scientific information. The proponents had written only the preface, the history of the company and the understanding this manual parts. The marketing skills and the appendices were already provided by the company and the proponents had just edited these information. The pictures that were used in the appendices were taken by the proponents.

Lastly, the three one-page 8 .5 X 11 product literature were designed and laid out by the proponents with uniformity. However, since these literature will not only be used as informative materials but also as persuasive materials, the front covers were not designed and laid out by the proponents for these were beyond their responsibilities. Teasers and cover designs were provided by the organization. The proponents were only responsible in the design and lay-out of the back cover. The pictures that appeared in these literature were also taken by the proponents. The contents of these literature were also provided by the company since they consist of medical information about these drugs.

These projects were funded by the company.

Abstract Format






Accession Number


Shelf Location

Archives, The Learning Commons, 12F, Henry Sy Sr. Hall

Physical Description

various pagings ; Computer print-out.


Package printing; Promotions; Laboratories; Manufacturers; Drugs--Generic substitution; Generic products; Advertising--Drugs; Production management

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