Animo Repository - Annual Research Congress for High School and Elementary Teachers, Researchers, and Scholars (ARCHERS): Teacher-Made Con-Local Learning Kit as a Supplementary Learning Material in Practical Research I HUMSS Learners

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School Name

Oton National High School

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Abstract / Executive Summary

This research study utilized a Teacher-Made Con-Local Learning Kit as a Supplementary Learning Material in Practical Research I for HUMSS learners. In the prevalence of the pandemic that the country faced, various methods were created and implemented to supplement learning, aside from traditional modules and online learning delivery modes. One of the problems encountered by learners is how to find Research, as their applied subject in their senior high school years, interesting and easy. According to Young et al. (2012), one answer to this problem is to motivate students to learn Research by making the subject more meaningful to them. Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What is the academic performance of HUMSS Senior High School learners in Practical Research I before and after using the teacher-made con-local learning kit?; (2) Are there significant differences in the pre-test and posttest HUMSS Senior High School learners in Practical Research I using the teacher-made con-local learning kit?; and (3) What actions should be undertaken after the conduct of the study? The 30 HUMSS learners were chosen randomly to be involved in this research endeavor. The setting of this study was in one of the public schools in the District of Oton. Researcher-made pre-tests and post-tests were utilized for data diagnosis. The innovation was implemented for two weeks and was integrated into the researcher’s lesson plans. "Kamustahanay" sessions or feedbacking activities and Focus-Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted for the triangulation of data. The learning material was found to be effective and presented real-life situations; therefore, the learners' performances had increased, making the subject interesting to study.


teacher-made, contextualization, localization, Practical Research, HUMSS learners



Teacher-Made Con-Local Learning Kit as a Supplementary Learning Material in Practical Research I HUMSS Learners

This research study utilized a Teacher-Made Con-Local Learning Kit as a Supplementary Learning Material in Practical Research I for HUMSS learners. In the prevalence of the pandemic that the country faced, various methods were created and implemented to supplement learning, aside from traditional modules and online learning delivery modes. One of the problems encountered by learners is how to find Research, as their applied subject in their senior high school years, interesting and easy. According to Young et al. (2012), one answer to this problem is to motivate students to learn Research by making the subject more meaningful to them. Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What is the academic performance of HUMSS Senior High School learners in Practical Research I before and after using the teacher-made con-local learning kit?; (2) Are there significant differences in the pre-test and posttest HUMSS Senior High School learners in Practical Research I using the teacher-made con-local learning kit?; and (3) What actions should be undertaken after the conduct of the study? The 30 HUMSS learners were chosen randomly to be involved in this research endeavor. The setting of this study was in one of the public schools in the District of Oton. Researcher-made pre-tests and post-tests were utilized for data diagnosis. The innovation was implemented for two weeks and was integrated into the researcher’s lesson plans. "Kamustahanay" sessions or feedbacking activities and Focus-Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted for the triangulation of data. The learning material was found to be effective and presented real-life situations; therefore, the learners' performances had increased, making the subject interesting to study.