APSSR | Asia-Pacific Social Science Review | De La Salle University | Vol 20 | Iss 2

Volume 20, Issue 2 (2020)


Research Articles


Caregiver’s Perceptions of Nutritional Status in Children Aged Under Five Years in Nakhon Phanom Province of Thailand
Darunee Ditsungnoen, Praphaphan Un-ob, Teeradej Chai –Aroon, and Prabda Praphasiri


Socio-Economic Determinants of Consumption Patterns in Thailand
Suchita Manajit, Bhubate Samutachak, and Marc Voelker

Research Briefs


e-Health and Healthy Aging Among the Participating Countries in JST Sakura Science Exchange Program 2019
Myla M. Arcinas, Melanie P. Tolentino, Cyril Ryan A. Lituañas, Joseph S. Cadeliña, and Yoshihide Obayashi

Data at a Glance