"Shop ‘til you drop: Examining the impact of risk and trust in m-commer" by Grecia Nicole A. Alcera, Azriel Cais T. Baluyut et al.

Shop ‘til you drop: Examining the impact of risk and trust in m-commerce and its subsequent effects on consumers’ future purchase intention


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation Dept

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

8th National Business and Management Conference

First Page


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Publication Date



This study examines the impact of Risk and Trust on consumers’ Future Purchase Intention whilst focusing on the antecedents of the former in an attempt to explain how and why the aforementioned variables interact in the way they do. Several moderating variables that reflect phenomena specific to the Philippines M-Commerce market have also been employed to measure its impact on the overall model. The data for this study was obtained using a survey instrument distributed to MCommerce users within Metro Manila using a Snowball Sampling procedure. Results of this survey were then subjected to a regression analysis in order to measure the basal impact of Risk, Trust, and its antecedents on consumers’ Future Purchase Intention. In lieu with this, a Moderated Mediation Regression Analysis was employed in order to quantify the impact of the study’s moderating and mediating variables on the overall model. Results of this process revealed that all the moderating variables employed in this study were found to be invalid moderators, thus implying a non-significant effect on the relationship between Risk, Trust, and its respective antecedents. Risk and its antecedents were also found to have a non-significant effect on the consumers’ Future Purchase Intention, whilst Trust and its antecedents were found to exhibit the opposite. While the latter is an outcome that was expected from the study, the non-significance of Risk and its antecedents oppose the researchers’ a priori expectations, which can be attributed to the volatility of the economic environment of the Philippines while the survey instrument was being distributed. As such, the in-depth results to this study can provide notable insights on the workings of the Philippine M-Commerce industry, as well as a clearer portrait of the typical Filipino M-Consumer, supplying reasons behind their purchasing behaviors during tumultuous periods in time.



Mobile commerce—Philippines; Consumer behavior—Philippines

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