Analyzing the effect of innovation, government support and operational practices on sustainability: The case of Manly Plastics Incorporated


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation Dept

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

DLSU Research Congress 2020

Publication Date



The manufacturing industry is an integral part of the economy in the 21st century through the increase in consumerism and the general needs of the human population. Despite this, the manufacturing industry faces issues regarding its sustainability and on the forefront of that is the plastic manufacturing industry who have come under fire in recent years. This paper presents an analysis of the effect of innovation, government support and operational practices on the adoption of sustainability of Manly Plastic Incorporated. The paper utilized a case study particularly Manly Plastic Incorporated which has been in the plastic manufacturing industry in the Philippines for over 55 years. A total of 91 samples were obtained using survey questionnaires distributed to top and middle managers of the firm. Interviews were conducted both from the key officers of the company and experts outside the company. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and linear regression Results arising from the quantitative and qualitative data were compared to confirm if the interviewees thought the same as the findings based on the surveys. Statistical analysis result found that all independent variables had a significant relationship with the sustainability all having a pvalue of



Other Business | Sustainability


Plastics industry and trade—Philippines; Sustainability—Philippines

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