"Exploring the applicability of communities of practice for network org" by Ebenezer Uy and Sherwin E. Ona

Exploring the applicability of communities of practice for network organizations in disaster management


College of Computer Studies


Information Technology

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



Recent disasters cause the destruction of communities, death of millions, and collapse of people's livelihood. In light of this, the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 stress the importance of disaster preparedness through knowledge management and communities of practice. These emerging trends led to the creation of network organizations that facilitate disaster preparedness activities for local communities. Due to the dispersed geographical locations of the network organizations, there is a need to create an effective platform to share disaster related information and experiences among the member organizations and affected communities. With this in mind, the aim of the study is to create Communities of Practice (COP) Framework using ICT in the area of disaster preparedness for network organizations. It also explores the role of ICT in the area of communities of practice and disaster management. To achieve the aim, the proponent will use inductive theoretical approach by employing a combination of grounded theory methodology and soft systems methodology using action research. These will be done by merging the steps of the two methodologies into a five step process which includes initiation, abstraction, framework formulation, implementation and evaluation. Subsequently, data is mainly collected through detailed interviews, questionnaire and focus group discussion. As a result, the framework aims to improve COP activities conducted by network organizations and contribute to the fields of research, innovation and to the overall disaster risk reduction initiatives worldwide.



Emergency and Disaster Management


Information storage and retrieval systems—Emergency management; Communities of practice—Philippines; Emergency management—Philippines

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