"Using appreciative inquiry through online means in determining the val" by Patrick Daniel L. Lo

Using appreciative inquiry through online means in determining the values and strategies of the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, Formation and Empowerment (SLIFE)

Added Title

SLIFE's goals and values through AI


Student Leadership Involvement, Formation and Empowerment

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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Appreciative Inquiry (AI), a change process model, was used to find out the values and strategies that are relevant to the current members of the Office of Student LIFE. The process gave focus on the first three phases of AI - Discovery, Dream, and Design. Instead of the usual face-to-face interviews and group discussions, online means were maximized through using a collaborative document cloud and online survey forms to gather and validate data. The responses of the participants were clustered into themes to identify the eight life-giving forces or core values of the organization. A statement that captures the ideal SLIFE was also made. Three key areas with ten general strategies, that will help achieve the ideal SLIFE, were also identified. The output of the process will serve as a guide for the members of SLIFE when they do their Destiny phase - in creating relevant and specific programs that will further their service and commitment to the University.



Student Counseling and Personnel Services


Running title: SLIFE's goals and values through AI
Publication/creation date supplied


De La Salle University (Philippines). Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, Formation and Empowerment

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