"The A-like matrices for a cycle" by Harris R. Dela Cruz and Arlene A. Pascasio

The A-like matrices for a cycle


College of Science


Mathematics and Statistics Department

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



Let {u100000}(X R) denote a distance-regular graph and let A 2 MatX(R) denote the adjacency matrix of {u100000}. We define a matrix B 2 MatX(R) to be A-like whenever both (i) BA = AB and (ii) for all x y 2 X that are not equal or adjacent, the (x y)-entry of B is zero. Let L denote the subspace of MatX(R) consisting of the A-like elements. Then L is decomposed as direct sum of its symmetric part and antisymmetric part denoted as ℒ sym and ℒ asym, respectively. Let D denote a positive integer and let QD denote the D-dimensional hypercube. For {u100000} = QD, Miklavic and Terwilliger in [6] found a basis for ℒ sym andℒ asym and showed that the dimensions are D + 1 and {u100000}D 2 respectively. Let k 3 denote an integer and let Ck denote the cycle with k vertices. Observe that the cycle C4 is isomorphic to Q2. For {u100000} = C3, we found thaℒ sym has dimension 4 while ℒ asym has dimension 1. For k 5, we found a basis for ℒ sym and ℒ asym and showed that their dimensions are 2 and 1, respectively.





Paper presented at the 2013 Mathematical Society of the Philippines Annual Convention, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, May 2013


Matrices; Hypercube

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