"A paper on characterization of solid waste" by Mario P. De Leon

A paper on characterization of solid waste

Added Title

Characterization of solid waste


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Civil Engineering

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript


This paper will focus on solid waste characterization as a first step in integrated solid waste management. Before any plan in collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of solid waste is carefully studied, then it is always required that basic information on quantity and quality of solid waste is already at hand. The proponent will then present his methodology in undertaking solid waste characterization in the light that planners, engineers, government officials, non-governmental organizations, and the community in general will have a better understanding on the extent and magnitude of solid waste and how this problem can be addressed accordingly. To know how much of these solid waste are to be disposed of require the knowledge on demographic, socio-economic profiling, characteristics of solid wastes as to type, recyclable, non-recyclable, biodegradable, and non-biodegradable. A scheme on solid waste generation, bulk density, particle size and moisture content can then be generated. The very first consideration in characterization of solid waste is the area of study. Once the area is defined, the second consideration is the data on population and economic status. Demographic profiling provides a scenario on the distribution of inviduals in urban and rural areas. Furthermore, the standard of living determines the quantity and quality of solid waste that are generated. Records from National Statistics Office and other agencies involved in population studies are relevant information to look into ones area of study. Actual interviews and survey, data from books, parallel studies from other countries are resources to supplement the study. In assessing solid waste characterization, a representative sample is carefully observed to achieve a very significant result. It is first and foremost important to know how many respondents need to be considered to arrive at a representation. The closer the number to the population the most likely it is to be a representation. Considering certain limitations such as human and financial resources, then sampling has to be clustered according to population and economic status. Three groups or clusters maybe considered. The group within same range in population and income will then be sampled. Second is logistics such as trash bags, containers, weighing scale. These will facilitate collection and weighing in situ. Third is the frequency of sampling. How often is sampling to be undertaken has to be clearly defined to achieve a representation. Fourth is the technical aspect in terms of particle size and moisture content determination in laboratories. Provision of this technical support is very significant as to the determination of the quality of solid waste. Fifth is the financial resource. To support this endearing and worth spending project for a sustainable environment, this has to be given top priority by the stakeholders, both government and non-governmental agencies and look for sources of funds from local or international. Finally, not to be neglected is community participation in environmental management and protection. Their role is vital in terms of cooperation and support for they represent the majority and success of this support is only possible with mutual understanding of the different stakeholders. The methodology of undertaking solid waste characterization aims at achieving a reliable and first hand information on quantity and quality. Solid waste characterization in its entirety provides for the effectiveness and efficiency of the appropriate technology in terms of collection, transport, treatment and disposal. One person cannot solve the totality of solid waste management problem, it has to be a concerted joint effort of the government both local and national, non-governmental organizations, private sectors, and the public as a whole.



Civil and Environmental Engineering | Environmental Engineering


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