Blended teaching with IVLE: Student's articulation of its advantages and limitations


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



This study examined how 240 frosh students of the De La Salle University Manila, Philippines view the use of hybrid or blended teaching approach, that is with the usage of computer educational software called Integrated Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE) with face to face instruction in the classroom. Based on the results of the survey conducted, most of the students articulated that the IVLE proved to be successful in terms of serving its purpose of making the academic activities of the students more systematized. Majority of the students expressed that the IVLE is convenient, practical, accessible, secured and permits quality use of time inside the classroom. Most of the students also felt that the use of hybrid or blended teaching with IVLE heldps develop and improve their learning experiences. The students highly agreed that with the IVLE, they could easily access the syllabus of the course, follow the lesson plan and announcements by the teacher, download file from the workbin and upload files for submissions, participate in the discussion forum section, take exams online, and even chat with the members of the class on a defined topic. The students appreciated the use of IVLE as a means to manage and organize the handling of a course. IVLE allows easy access to the course, from practically anytime and anywhere as long as there is an available internet connection. Students also added that they can easily monitor their performance in the class as result of the online exam could easily be learned immediately after the exam and check on their submission of the course requirements online. Announcements posted int he IVLE are also sent via emails thus alerting students on things to be done quicker through messaging in the computer. And lastly, they see the use of IVLE as a secured system because of the effective implementation of its privacy settings. Given these positive perceptions, majority of the students, however, felt that the effective use of IVLE in the hybrid or blended teaching approach still depends on the teacher. They expressed that the teacher remains to be the main actor that controls what features of IVLE will be used and how it will make the lessons and discussions interesting. In terms of interaction, majority of the students seemed to find lessons in the IVLE more appealing but the survey also showed that this does not necessarily mean that they were more interested in those lessons when they are taught through IVLE rather than the traditional face-to-face interaction. Over all the IVLE was effective in propagating students participation but the lack of knowledge of some students regarding the use of some features of the IVLE serves a s disadvantage since it hinders optimum use of this educational tool.



Educational Methods


Undated; Publication/creation date supplied


Blended learning; Computer-assisted instruction; Integrated Virtual Learning Environment

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