"Understanding usage continuance of webinars among professionals in the" by Ryan A. Ebardo, Jefferson Costales et al.

Understanding usage continuance of webinars among professionals in the new normal


College of Computer Studies


Computer Science

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computers in Education. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education

Publication Date



The sudden transformation of the educational landscape due to COVID-19 highlighted the need to embrace technology to sustain continuous professional learning. Wider Internet use, availability of technology platforms, and restrictions brought about by the pandemic have led to the proliferation of webinars. While generally effective in delivering its promises, research has not fully grasped the determinants that can sustain its continued use. Using a quantitative inquiry using PLS-SEM, we approached 181 working professionals to capture their perceptions on the usage continuance of webinars during COVID-19. We found that information quality and utilitarianism directly determine satisfaction. The study further confirms that satisfaction and social influence are variables that determine the usage continuance of webinars among professionals.



Training and Development


Continuing education; Web-based instruction; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- —Influence

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