"Engaging the parents: A report on the results of the D publication fee" by AARichela dela Cruz Marcelo

Engaging the parents: A report on the results of the D publication feedback form form A.Y. 2011-2012


Strategic Communications

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Findings in a commissioned research by De La Salle University showed that parents are the most influential in a student's decision-making process when choosing a school for college. In response to this, the Office of Strategic Communications developed D - a publication distributed to parents of those who passed the DLSU College Admission Test. The publication aims to provide parents vital information on DLSU and to communicate with them the value of studying in DLSU.
This report will provide a brief background of D and present results of the feedback form of the Go La Salle! issue of the publication released in January 2012. The feedback form was integrated in the distribution of D to evaluate the effectiveness of the publication and perception of its reader. The results showed that majority of the respondents found D useful in their information gathering and decision making in choosing a school for their child.
Based on the positive results and feedback, it is recommended that the Office of Strategic Communications continue to produce and distribute D as the publication has shown that it is a good venue to promote the University's programs and initiatives.




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