Digital civic engagement and youth participation: A survey research



Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

International Scientific Conference of Librarians "Western Balkan Information and Media Literacy Conference" 2021 & 10th International Summit of the Book 2021

Publication Date



The youth of today are exposed to various new media channels especially those who are privileged and have access to digital tools and technologies. Young individuals’ access to social networking sites is an avenue to be informed, use their voices, and empower themselves in virtual environments. Youth civic engagement including political participation transcends online and continues to be present during the pandemic particularly with the use of social media platforms as they share their thoughts and influence other people. Every youth use their citizen rights to exercise freedom of speech in support of democracy. This survey research intended to provide an overview of how select undergraduate library and information science students from three library schools in the Philippines behave and engage online given that misleading political information and fake news continue to proliferate as part of their daily lives.



Library and Information Science | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Social media and college students—Philippines; Fake news—Philippines

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