"Reaching out to partner organizations during the pandemic through e-se" by Marietta P. Guanzon

Reaching out to partner organizations during the pandemic through e-service-learning


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



The unprecedented closure of schools in the Philippines amidst the COVID 19 pandemic has forced education al institutions to transition from conventional learning to online learning. The DLSU partner organizations belonging to the poor and marginalized sectors of the society were heavily affected by the community quarantines that the national government impose d in the entire Metro Manila. Mindful of its role in society, the DLSU continue s to learn while they pursue social engagement through electronic Service Learning (e SL). The e SL allowed the students to reach out to these partner organizations through onli ne delivery of service. The purpose of this study is to 1 ) describe the situation of the select partner organizations and their members during the lockdowns caused by the pandemic; 2) identify the e SL activities extended by the students to select partner organizations To answer these research questions, a quantitative and qualitative research design was employed in this research through the administration of an online survey to partner organization representatives . Results of the study revealed that most members of the partner organizations lost their jobs and source s of livelihood. In response, the DLSU students conducted a donation drive to raise funds to purchase food packs , medicines and hygiene supplies for the immediate need of the members of the organizations . Community leaders’ participation in the entire e SL project activities resulted in the development of a more sustainable projects such as capacity building, development of educational materials, and organizational development activities.

Keywords: electronic service learning; e s ervice learning; community outreach; COVID 19 pandemic; online learning



Service Learning


Service learning—Philippines; Community and school—Philippines

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