"Adjustments of international students in De La Salle Lipa as related t" by Welmer T. Adajar

Adjustments of international students in De La Salle Lipa as related to their sociability towards the development of an intervention program


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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This study aimed to know the adjustment problems of international students of De La Salle Lipa as related to their level of sociability towards the development of intervention program. Specifically, the researcher would like to know how the international students are distributed as to nationality. The researcher also would like to know how often they adjust in terms of; Home and Family, Social-Psychological Relations, Personal-Psychological Relations, Adjustment to College Work and Curriculum and Teaching Procedure and if there is a significant difference in the adjustment when they are grouped according to their nationality. The researcher also would like to know the level of sociability of the respondents as to; Self Concept, Social Anxiety, Feelings Towards Parents and Degree of Independence, Knowledge of Social Etiquette and Empathy then relate it to adjustment problems of the international students. The Theory of Assimilation by Park & Burgess and the Theory of Ethnic Density and Cross-Cultural Adjustment by Bronfenbrenner; French, Rodgers, & Cobb were applied in this study. Correlation was used as the statistical tool to determine the relationship between the adjustment problems of the international students and their sociability. The result showed that there is no significant relationship between the variables, adjustment problems and sociability, in all areas presented. It was therefore concluded that the adjustment problems of the international students of De La Salle Lipa is not related with their level of sociability.





Students, Foreign—Philippines—Batangas—Psychology

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