"Quality assurance models for higher education institution: A qualitati" by Francia R. Santos, Divina M. Edralin et al.

Quality assurance models for higher education institution: A qualitative analysis


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising Department

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date


Physical Description

16 pages


The critical issues on total quality management (TQM) as applied to education were provided reform efforts over time. A qualitative case study was employed through focus group discussions with three stakeholder-respondents of a higher education in the Philippine setting. Baldrige Model was adopted as a tool for organization’s self-assessment. Findings of the study highlights student-customers and workforce foci as the critical elements process and results in the Baldrige criteria of performance excellence. Content analysis was performed on the famous quality award model and local quality assurance tools using NVivo. Implications of this study for education industry focused on the evaluation of the elements of process performance that are linked with results performance. Thus, this study proposes a unified quality management framework for higher education institutions grounded from the qualitative analysis of various quality assurance models that are known to impact the overall performance of education organizations.



Higher Education


Quality assurance; Total quality management in education; Education, Higher; Universities and colleges

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