"The impact of perceived governance and perceived family business roles" by Melvin Vitug Moraga, Olanis D. Corpuz et al.

The impact of perceived governance and perceived family business roles in enhancing commitment on Asiaphil Manufacturing Industries, Inc. in the Philippines


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Decision Sciences and Innovation Dept

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



This work aims to assess the impact of perceived governance and perceived family business roles in enhancing employee commitment among the employees in Asiaphil Manufacturing Industries, Inc., a company that deals with nationwide operations involved in electrical turnkey power systems, substations, power quality solutions, etc. Initially, this study was to review related literature to determine possible linkages between the variables. Those findings were then used to draw the frameworks of this study. Using these frameworks, survey questionnaires were made for quantitative data collection. The survey questionnaires were deployed in the three branches of Asiaphil in Luzon, Batangas, Pampanga and Manila, in which a total of 133 respondents participated in the survey, therefore reaching the computed sample size. The quantitative data gathered were analyzed through Linear Regression and Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient to determine the existence or nonexistence of relationship and effect among the variables.



Human Resources Management | Organizational Behavior and Theory


Undated; creation date supplied


Organizational commitment; Corporate governance; Family-owned business enterprises

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