"Library mobile app - beta launch" by Libraries

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The Libraries announced the launch of Library Mobile App available in beta on 01 October 2021. This initiative was part of the library’s continuing commitment to provide a seamless library experience to the Lasallian community.


Library Mobile App, powered by Ex Libris CampusM, is an app that allows users to access information resources and services easily from their mobile devices. Some of the available features include access to:

MyLibrary - Personal library account
Chat with LORA - Dedicated information support by librarians
Reading Lists - Course reading list tool for faculty and students
Animo Repository - Access to DLSU’s scholarly works

DLSU students, faculty, and staff with active status will be able to use the app. The app is available for download both from Android and iOS app stores and is also optimized for tablets.

Event Type


Information Source

Help Desk Announcement : October 1, 2021


Mobile apps--De La Salle University Libraries
