"Efficacy of differentiated instruction on photosynthesis and cellular " by Monique Soriano Molina

Efficacy of differentiated instruction on photosynthesis and cellular respiration using google classroom

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Teaching Major in Biology

Subject Categories



Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Science Education

Thesis Advisor

Maricar S. Prudente

Defense Panel Chair

Minie Rose C. Lapinid

Defense Panel Member

Socorro E. Aguja
Voltaire M. Mistades


Differentiated instruction is an approach in teaching that considers the students’ differences in terms of learning preferences. This action research is centered on the application of differentiated instruction in teaching Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration using Google Classroom. It is a quasi-experimental research participated by STEM students (n=109) and senior high faculty (n=30). In this study, instruction was differentiated into 5 areas namely, content delivery, teaching and learning process, output, teaching and learning environment, and attitude towards the system of instruction. The activities were differentiated based on the learning styles of students following the Felder-Silverman model. All materials and activity worksheet were uploaded in Google Classroom. The data obtained were analyzed in both quantitative and qualitative methods. Based on the results, differentiated instruction is most perceived by the students in the area of learning environment with the highest mean(x̄=3.5). For teachers, it was in the content delivery where differentiation is most recognized and has the highest mean (x̄=3.80). In terms of concept test, it was revealed that all three classes showed improvement in their understanding of the topic as it is reflected on the result of their post-test (x̄=13.11). The values obtained were supported by thematic analysis of excerpts in the focus group discussion in both students and teachers. Thus, the implementation of differentiated instruction using Google Classroom is found efficacious in this study.

Abstract Format






Physical Description

viii, 145 num. leaves


Science--Study and teaching; Photosynthesis; Cell respiration

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