Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology Major in Clinical Psychology

Subject Categories

Clinical Psychology


College of Liberal Arts



Thesis Advisor

Roseann Tan-Mansukhani

Defense Panel Chair

Maria Guadalupe C. Salanga

Defense Panel Member

Karmia A. Pakingan
Sally I. Maximo


This qualitative study delves into the health-seeking experiences of women with Bipolar Disorder (BD), shedding light on their pursuit of holistic well-being amidst the challenges posed by this erratic and chronic condition. Employing a photo-elicitation approach, the research illustrates the dynamic interplay between psychological and socio-contextual resources, framed within Antonovsky’s salutogenic model of health. The study elucidates a dual approach to their pursuit of health. Firstly, it illustrates how women with BD actively manage their well-being, driven by a strong sense of agency in health management and profound religious faith. This empowers them to take action within their control while entrusting aspects beyond their control to legitimate others. Secondly, the study underscores the crucial role of external supports amidst turbulent mood swings and suicidal ideations. This includes a deep personal connection with God, ensuring security even when personal and interpersonal resources falter. Simultaneously, being supported by nurturing communities that provide civil, social, domestic, and material support plays a pivotal role in enabling women with BD to engage in societal roles, fostering a sense of purpose and a clear vision of their continued commitment to life. Furthermore, this study enhances understanding of the health goals of women with BD by emphasizing the significance of stability. This stability is characterized by a clear worldview, confidence in resources, and a rootedness in meaning. Participant-captured photographs offer insights into the multi-faceted nature of health and the necessity of adopting a socioecological approach. Practical recommendations are also provided for enhancing support for women with BD.

Abstract Format







Bipolar disorder; Health behavior

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