"Creating a process to expedite the transfer of condominium titles from" by Michael Edward S. Mercado

Creating a process to expedite the transfer of condominium titles from property developer to unit owners

Date of Publication


Document Type

Insider Action Research

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration

Subject Categories

Real Estate


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Thesis Advisor

Karen Selina A. Aquino

Defense Panel Chair

Rachel A. Quero

Defense Panel Member

Maricel Balatbat
Paulo Eborde


This action research helped the unit owners to speed up the transfer of titles from Property Developer X with the help of the administrative office of Condominium Y.

Property Developer X (the “property developer”) developed Condominium Y. Sale of condominium units may be in cash or installment. Titles are issued immediately in the name of the buyers or the owners of the units. Titles are initially in the name of the property developer until the payments have been settled and eventually transferred to the name of the new owners of the condominium unit.

The turnover of condominium units started in 2008 when Condominium Y also started its official operations. It has been twelve (12) years since the first rollout of turnover of condominium units, but the property developer has yet to complete all the transfer of titles to the rightful owners. To date, over a hundred more titles are not yet turned over to the owners.

Cycle 1 included the creation of a formal process which could be followed by the administrative office to follow up the property developer to transfer the titles to the unit owners’ names. Cycle 2 made revisions and improvements on the process done in Cycle 1. The two cycles resulted in the Transfer of Titles Logic based on the logic model, P.D. 957 and the tenets of usability.

Abstract Format







Condominiums—Philippines; Vendors and purchasers—Philippines; Land titles—Philippines

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