Early identification of preschool children: The case of Montessori system of education

Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education Major in Special Education

Subject Categories

Early Childhood Education


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Advisor

Thelma Mingoa

Defense Panel Chair

Jasper Vincent Alontaga

Defense Panel Member

Abigail Rice
Arvie Andal


Since there is a dearth of research with respect to early identification practices among Montessori schools, the study intends to explore and describe the Montessori system primarily its “prepared environments” and how it relates to early identification. The study utilized a qualitative design to identify the process of how early identification is delivered to high-risk children. A total of 10 Montessori teachers who came from 5 different authentic Montessori schools in Metro Manila were included in the study. Based on a series of interviews, the study revealed that the prepared environment is central to early identification in Montessori schools as teachers utilize their skill in scientific observation targeting all developmental domains of children through materials from Practical Life, Sensorial Art and the academic areas from Language, Math and Cultural Arts. Montessori teachers naturally observe how children interact within the inner workings of the prepared environment through guided practice, exercise of free will and finally, liberation during their work cycle period. The concept of “match” is crucial in targeting the needs of children. Governed by Montessori principles, children who lack stimulation are normalized and children at risk are identified. Montessori schools structure their early identification systems on continuous progress monitoring and sensitive communication among professionals. They employ assessment procedures such as screening, assessment, observation, recommendation and placement. Non-test techniques are commonly used by Montessori teachers in recording down pertinent information. Factors which include parent participation and composition and collaboration of professionals are critical in the success and failure of early identification.

Abstract Format






Physical Description

105, [106-148] leaves


Education, Preschool; Preschool children; Montessori method of education

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