Date of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education Major in Special Education

Subject Categories

Online and Distance Education | Special Education and Teaching


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Educational Leadership and Management

Thesis Advisor

Thelma R. Mingoa

Defense Panel Chair

Jasper Vincent Alontaga

Defense Panel Member

Abigail Rice
Arvie Andal


COVID-19’s highly infectious nature, and the risk of severe illness it imposed on certain groups of people, have prompted local and international governments to implement quarantine restrictions in specific areas where there was an increased rate of infection. One of the groups specifically affected were children with autism (CWA) and their caregivers. In the Philippines, the physical closure of schools, the cancellation of face-to-face classes, disruptions in children’s routines for the second straight year of the pandemic and having to consequently deal with the challenges brought by distance learning were few of the changes caregivers and their CWA dealt with. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this study found out the experiences and perceptions of caregivers living with their CWA during the government-imposed quarantines as they supported their children through the new normal of ‘going to school’ via online distance learning for the second pandemic school year. Ten participants were acquired using purposeful and snowball sampling. Online interviews gathered went through thematic data analysis. Themes generated answered this study’s research questions. Four themes were constructed in response to the research question on what challenges were experienced by caregivers supporting their CWA during ODL, namely these themes were: (1) insufficient teacher support, (2) tech difficulties, (3) CWA-specific issues, and (4) family-health issues. For the response to the research question on the support received, four themes were constructed, namely: (5) teachers’ responses/accommodations; (6) family/friend support, (7) gadget-tech support and (8) organizations/groups ASD-relevant support. Meanwhile, there were four themes for support not received, these are (9) teachers’ modifications, (10) school/teachers’ guidance to parents, (11) LGU ODL-support, and (12) organization’s ODL-specific support. The three themes for the outcomes of support received are (13) stress-free ODL, (14) CWA’s hopeful future, and (15) CWA’s independence. The three themes for the consequences of support not received are (16) caregivers’ stress, (17) caregivers’ active coping strategies, and (18) seeking collaborative support. The conclusion of this study was found significant to caregivers, educators, and local government units. Actions and further studies were recommended that will improve the support received by caregivers and which will help them similarly aid their CWA’s academic and cognitive outcomes.

Keywords: online distance learning, school closures, COVID-19 lockdown, child with autism, autism spectrum disorder, thematic analysis, qualitative study, caregivers, distance learning support

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268 leaves


Distance education; Autistic children—Education; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-; Caregivers

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