Behavioral Sciences Master's Theses | Sociology and Behavioral Sciences | De La Salle University


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Let it be done: Antecedents of tax compliance and its implications on the self-esteem of Filipino self-assessed taxpayers, Darla C. Dy Buco


Is caring burdensome? Predictors and health outcomes of burden of care among family caregivers of psychiatric patients, Melanie Eden Grace Gauran Ibale


Examining Filipino’s mobile dating app addiction and its effect on their mental health and intention to ghost online, Juan Paolo E. Soto

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Determinants and outcomes of women empowerment: The case of Filipino women entrepreneurs, Mylene M. Sulat

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Health-seeking behaviors, its facilitators and barriers, and the sense-making of health and well-being among trans Filipinos: An intersectional phenomenology of health, Luis Emmanuel A. Abesamis


The role of digital inclusion on the work success of financial advisors in a selected insurance company during the pandemic, Alessandra Nicole J. Alvarez


Compounding disaster risk experiences and resilience among residents in a rural coastal community: Does culture determine people's risks?, Anne Claire S. Simpao


Transformational leadership, job satisfaction and turnover intention: The mediating role of organizational commitment among call center agents in Metro Manila, Philippines, Redmund Joseph D. Tocle

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Determinants of risky alcohol use and its association with risky sexual behaviors and mental health status among Filipino men having sex with men in Metro Manila, Rowalt C. Alibudbud


Experiences of risks in the workplace and work-life balance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of death care workers, Michelle Monique Lao Cobb


Sustainable eating lifestyle of selected young urban professionals in Metro Manila: Meaning, relevance, and signification, Lounelle J. Godinez


Adherence to exclusive breastfeeding practices among career women in Metro Manila, Mary Ruth S. Llobrera


Lifestyle behaviors of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) night shift workers in Metro Manila, Philippines, Arlyn B. Napeñas


Period poverty among adolescent girls from the City of Manila, Philippines: Determinants and Impacts on their wellbeing, Janice V. Tapil